Yomiya, Eula, Jean and Ayaka get yeeted into your universe...

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...but also into your room!
Yeah :D
.................I hope you dont have a mess in your room.

Prologue : You finally get enough primos to pull for (character)! You were totaly excited, (some of you going to make some rituals). Clicking the wish button you saw the golden wish light pop up on your screen, nearly (or actually) screaming in nothing but pure happiness. (Some of you out there are really calm so please ignore this part if your like me). What was weird is that your room lit up in a blinding white light, so you shut your eyes tightly.



"Huh? What the--?!"


- "Huh? What the--?! Where am I??"
- The voice sounded too familiar
- Snapping your eyes open once again you saw none other then the woman you were pulling for
- Kamisato Ayaka
- Just to make sure you werent dreaming you pinched yourself, you werent dreamng at all
- Ayaka finally turned around and saw you
- Oh God, she was stunned by your beauty for a moment before bringing her fan up and opening it to cover the lower part of her face
- "Oh, hello... uhm.. whats your name?"
- Ayaka said, still quite stunned by your beauty (thats what she said.)
- "Well um, My name is Y/n"
- "Ah! Nice to meet you Y/n! My name is---"
- "Ayaka, I know.."
- "You know..? But we never met before?"
- Oh shit
- How are you going to explain this?? 
- "Well.. you see, I can say Im a huge fan of yours! Yes, we never met but I do know a lot of about you- wait that actully sounds really creepy!! Please dont take this the wrong way!! I just---"
- As you rambled on and on Ayaka quietly listened, taking in your sweet voice 
- Being stuck here in this weird world wont be so bad.. at least not with you

- "Huh? What the--?! What is this place?"
- Was Eula's reaction
- When she noticed your bundled up form on the bed, she stopped dead in her tracks
- She had to addmit, your quite awfully pretty 
- But where is she..
- Normaly, she would act right away but she cant help but stare at your beauty with practicaly heart in her eyes, she shouldnt be falling heels over head from just a single meeting.. but..
- Clearing her throat she spoke up again
- "I'm Captain Eula Lawrence, Spindrift Knight, Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company"
- By the time she finished you were fully aware of whats going on and well- you were hyped up! Your favourite character in your own room!
- (But then we have people who hate when someone is in their room and arent so social.. sorry)
- You smiled at her brightly, making her a little more flustered then before
- "Well!! I'm Y/n, nice to meet you!"
- She gave a nod, yep a nod thats all
- Well, since you have some time together, how about you get to know each other? 
- Im pretty sure she wouldnt mind 

- "Huh? What the--?! Who are you?"
- I adivse you to reply 
- "A- OH Um I'm Y/n!"
- "Very well.. Do you know how I got.. here? It looks like your the owner of this room, afterall"
- "Actually I have no idea how you got here Je- Miss."
- "... How do you know my name"
- "..."
- "... Well?"
- "Its- complicated. But if you have time, which I think you have snice your here I will explain to the best of my ability"
- Oh boy
- That was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong explenation
- But hey, at least she isnt pancking as much now
- But still she is because she found out shes not real-
- Ehem, nothing is real
- Yeah, but since shes here that means shes real now..??
- This is so confusing
- But you seem like a very kind being
- And your very VERY pretty, so she doesnt mind
- At little did you know, during your explenation she was taking in your every detail?
- From the single strand of hair going across your face and resting mid-way on your nose, to the little twinkle in your eye

- "Huh? What the--?! OH HI!"
- She was excited to met another person, completley forgetting that she has been-- taken away from her universe
- You smiled shyly and greeted her back
- "I'm Yomiya! And you are?"
- "My name is Y/n, very nice to meet you Yomiya"
- "Nice to meet ya too! :D"
- With her bubbly personality its quite easy to become friends-
- And then the question pops up in her head
- "Hey.. Where are we anyways? I wasnt here before but it seems like you have been here already. Do you have anything to do with this?"
- "Ah.. not really :'D, I was just sitting on my bed playing a game--"
- "Humm.. I see!"
- "Well since we both are here, maybe we should spend some time together? It doesnt seem I will be going back anytime soon"
- She doesnt mind being somewhere else, that is- only when you are with her
- Btw, have I told you your very pretty? Its from her behalf! I swear!

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