41 | You Are Pregnant Little Omega

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Jimin's heat lasted for 3 days. As promised, Jungkook cuddled with him all day, touched him with all the love he can shower, kissed him every chance he got, and definitely made love to him every night, several times.

Jungkook decided he won't let Jimin read the book alone. But the chapters ahead were all about how the king planned for Omega prince's demise. How Taehyung saved Jimin and became his 1st ever home. How Jimin spent his 7 years of 'life' in Kim Kingdom.

It felt raw to read about their life in a book. For the next few days, they read how they got married. How Jungkook fell in love in the first sight. How Jimin's heart beat faster whenever Jungkook was near. How his heart skipped beats when he touched him.

Omega was happy throughout that week. He got to know about Jungkook's feelings from the very start. Jungkook was with him all the time was also keeping him happy.


It has been 2 days since the book didn't update new chapters. "Do you remember what Master Min told you before going. He said that you need to ask Prince Hoseok when the time comes." Jungkook suggests.

They both go to Prince Hoseok's room.

The book is from lands of wisdom, sealed by magic. It is commonly said that their books can be decoded by the people born in Min Kingdom only. That is the reason Jimin, Jungkook and even Hoseok can't read the other chapters.

"Master had told me that the evil magic late king park casted on the nature has to be reversed." Hoseok admits.

"And how's that possible? As long as I know, magic can only be reversed by the magic caster... And from what Minister Minseo said, he was killed by the king." Jungkook asks.

"Luna has given Jimin to that evil king for a reason." Hoseok said, and looked at Jimin with soft eyes. Jimin awakes his maternal instincts.

"Do you mean Jimin will reverse it?" Jungkook asked, holding his hand tightly. He was worried for his safety.

Hoseok chuckled. "Why would we need you in the picture then Alpha Prince Jeon? We need both of you. Your first born will reverse the magic." He said.

Jimin's clutch at Jungkook's hand tightened. He looked at his face, Jungkook too was looking at him with love in his eyes. "How can a baby-"

"Master Min just asked me to tell you about this. He said he will himself tell you how the magic will be reversed once you birth a baby."


"What if I can't birth a baby? What if I can never get pregnant?" Jimin was pacing around the room, with his hands trembling, and his eyes tearing up.

"We will have our babies. Not just 1. I want 7 babies with you omega..." Jungkook tried to reassure him.

"Alpha... I'm sorry. May be you will have to remarry-"

"JIMIN!" Jimin got scared, and stood straight with his mouth shut. Jungkook sighed before standing up to go to him.

"In this life, or any other, I want you as my mate. Only you." He spoke looking into his eyes. A lone tear rolls down his cheek. Jungkook hugs him.

"Don't keep people's baseless rumours in your mind omega. There's nothing wrong with you. You can birth a pup." Jungkook said. Jimin clutched tighter at his robe.

"Even if you couldn't conceive, still there's nothing wrong with you. I will always love you no matter what. The thing is, do you love me?" He asked him softly.

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