37 | It Would Hurt Me And You

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"This kept on going for years. Then when he turned 14, the king had to do his coming of age ceremony. But he said it would be a thing of shame for him. He planned his death that day."

This was the first time in a while when Minseo couldn't stay silent. "King... That would be too much. Prince is your only child."

The king squinted his eyes at him. "Don't forget your place! It will not take me a second to throw you in the same place as him. If he had died himself with all that I did to him, I wouldn't have to plan all this. It's his own fault that he didn't die!"

The king planned something heinous.

To make it look like accident and to gain sympathy that his only "child" died by getting burnt, he invited Kims & Mins. He thought no one would ever doubt Kims. And Mins are intelligent so they will provide him with enough suggestions after the omega prince is no more.

On the day of occasion, he made Jimin wear a special dress, where he had a veil on his face. Its fabric was fire-catching, and to stop the smell, he used a lavender scent on him.

Minseo knew all about it. But unable to do anything himself, he ran away in the mountains, a day before the celebration. He conducted a grand worship of goddess Luna, and summoned the powers.

"Please forgive me goddess for staying silent, and not helping a child from all the cruelty. You can punish me for my deeds, but please save your child Luna."

On the day of celebration, Jimin was waiting in his room to be taken out for the celebration. He was scared of the gathering, as he has never seen this many people in his life.

Suddenly, fire broke out in the whole castle which was supposed to be for Jimin's chamber only. This was finally the end of the cruel King's regime. He died getting burnt in that fire, and the whole royal family living there at that time also died.

Jimin's real mother had actually died while birthing him.

The mother he had in first five years of his life was actually a magic. She was Luna's avatar. When everything was burning, the magic broke and she left the Queen's body.

For as long as someone came to save him, she was there, casting a safety spell on him. Fire didn't touch Jimin even a single bit. His mom was keeping him safe for the very first time.

Soon Taehyung came to save him, and Jimin's mom, or Luna's Avatar blessed them both before ascending to the other universe. She also took Jimin's memory with her.

That was the reason Jimin's mind blocked all these things for his sanity.

After hearing about Jimin's past, all of them had goosebumps on their skin, and tears in their eyes. They also had hatred in their hearts for the former King. He didn't deserve Jimin as his son.

Jungkook worships Luna himself, but he was upset that Luna gave Jimin to King Park! But he was thankful, she saved him from the fire, and sent Taehyung to him. He was glad Jimin is his mate. He can't imagine a life without him.

All of them were having mixed emotions. On one hand, they were feeling broken hearted. On the other hand, their blood was boiling. They were seeing red!

"Why did you go against everything and worshipped to save Jimin?" Taehyung asked after some time of silence.

"Queen was my sister. King had warned me that he would take her dignity away in front of everyone if I didn't support him!!" Minseo replied.

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