4 | Towards The Wedding Bed

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Jimin was getting nervous. Sweat was forming on his body, but it was quickly evaporating, thanks to the magical oils. He was clutching hard on his clothes. Taehyung has never allowed any alpha near him all his life, and here it was happening in his presence.

When Jimin saw Prince's hand on the edge of his veil, he tightly closed his eyes.

// According to traditions, if the Prince denies wedding after lifting up the veil, one of his soldier will automatically become the potential groom for omega.

But if he approves, Prince himself has to show his face, to the people coming with Omega, that's slightly covered behind the chains of pearls attached to his royal hat. //

Everything was just a princely responsibility for Jungkook until now. But the moment he lifted the veil and looked at the omega standing in front of him, with eyes closed tightly, a slight tremble in his lips, he found his alpha kicking inside.

He realised it's not a princess. But the fact didn't even disturb him. He kept staring at his face, totally spellbound, until Taehyung cleared his throat.

Taehyung knows his little prince is a beautiful omega, but staring at him like this, when the prince himself has not shown his face was not sitting well with him.

Jungkook covered Jimin's face again, trying to keep his growing smile hidden. He removed his pearls chains from his face. The officials coming with Omega were stunned to speak. They have heard several tales of how strong and manly the eldest Prince of Jeon Empire is.

There were rumours that the Prince is extremely handsome that it distracts his enemies and he can easily kill them that way. They can now witness with their own eyes. The glow on Alpha Prince's face is really attractive.

Taehyung too felt assured that the alpha prince doesn't look like some lustful man in his 20s. He was thanking his gods and was praying that the alpha's heart is as good as his face.

One of the maids served the special wine to Crown Prince Taehyung, who offered it to Prince Jeon. Jungkook took a sip of it, symbolising he is now One of the omega's family members.

Marching bands started performing from that moment on. The officials cheered with claps.

Taehyung threads his fingers with Jimin, probably holding his hand for the last time when the little prince belong to him. After today, he will be Jeon's.

He squeezes Omega's hand a little before giving it in Jungkook's who holds it gently. Jimin feels an immediate spark in his body at the touch. He had thought he would repulse, but he didn't.

Jimin stares at their connected hands, how carefully the alpha is holding it. Jimin has never let anyone touch him. But the warmth seeping through his gloves alone is making him bite his lips. His cheeks turn red.

Then they are straight away escorted to their wedding bed. Omega's family is escorted to the rooms prepared for them. Crown Prince Kim is given a chamber inside the castle itself.


Jimin's heart starts racing so bad. All his life, he has felt weird in even taking bath with maids surrounding him, but atleast they were omegas. This time he will be bare of any clothes in front of a stranger. A stranger that's supposed to be his alpha.

Jimin's head is getting heavy with all these thoughts. He didn't realise how hard he was clutching onto Jungkook's hand, trying to get the comfort from someone, with whom he was feeling uncomfortable.

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