23 | Lock Him In The Dungeon

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He hears the same trolley coming near him as always. His ears pick up the slightest of noise to judge the temperament of the person bringing the food. But as usual he fails in this.

The door opens with a bang, and he shivers in a corner. "Yahhh come here! Eat this quickly! And get ready for your daily dose!"

"Why are you doing this to me really? What have I done..." He yells desperately, gathering the courage to finally get any kind of answer.

But it only comes in the form of a whip of hunter. "AHH" He cries but the old man doesn't stop.

"I told you to keep your voice low! I told you no one will like you if you question them!" He kicks the boy's limp body on the floor, who groans loudly.

"Take what I give you! Since you got your dose first, I don't care when you eat! Just finish it today!" And the man leaves the crying boy in the dark room, bruised as usual.

"Jimin... Food is here. Let's eat" Jungkook said softly. Jimin didn't meet his gaze and looked outside the window. Jungkook sighed, and sat down on the couch facing him. Jimin flinched unconsciously when he saw his arm coming closer to his face.

"I'm sorry I was just..." Jungkook took his hand back. He deserved all this. He was such a bad husband to Jimin yesterday.

Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's feet instead. He flinched again, but didn't retract. "I know you are hurt. I promised to never hurt you, and I still did that..." He looked down.

"You can punish me for what I did Omega... But please, don't be scared... It kills me from inside... I would... I would never touch alcohol again in my life. I won't let other's thoughts get to my head. Please..." Jungkook pleaded and sat on his knee.

Jimin's heart thumped louder. This was not supposed to happen. A crown prince is not supposed to bend down on his knees in front of others. That means submitting.

Tears streamed down Jimin's face, and he hesitatingly placed his arm on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook looked up. He was hurt too. His eyes were brimmed with tears. "I'm sorry" He whispered, leaning closer to place a kiss on Jimin's feet, who immediately stopped him.

"Don't- ... You- ... May be I'm..." Jimin tried to say something, but his throat clogged with emotions. They both gulped down looking into each other's eyes.

"I know... I'm not enough..."
"Omega... No what are you say(ing)-"
"I know you were avoiding me after my heat..."

"No Jimin... I was just busy at that time..."
"I know the kingdom looks forward to our first born... I'm... May be I can never conceive. I failed you as an omega..." Jimin broke down in tears again, hugging himself tightly.

Jungkook finally took him in his arms. This was all his fault. He neglected his omega unintentionally when he always knew how sensitive he is.

"I didn't mean this when I said that. You need to know omegas are not just for giving birth. I'm sorry if it came across like that." Jungkook said, rubbing his back carefully.

Jimin shook his head on his chest. It was not easy to get close to him again. But his heart still wanted him. His omega only wanted to be comforted by his alpha.

"I was... I was just being territorial over you. I got over possessive. Please don't think otherwise. I love You Jimin... More than anything" Jungkook whispered, and Jimin finally hugged him back.

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