1 | The Omega Prince Is A Curse

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"His majesty, the king of Min Kingdom, Min Yoongi has entered the kingdom's main boundary." An informant tells the king of Kim Kingdom. He was expecting King Min to pay him a visit sooner or later.

"Tell the Queen to start preparing for his welcome. And tell both the prince to get ready decently." He rolls out orders to two of his subjects, who were on their feets immediately.

Queen of Kim Kingdom is a beauty himself. He was born in Park Kingdom. The second last male omega in a royal family. The Heir of Park Kingdom being the last.

Seokjin was married to Crown Prince Kim Namjoon as a strategic marriage. Though they have felt attracted when they first saw each other. It was love at first sight. Seokjin couldn't take his eyes off of Crown Prince's dimples.

And Namjoon, who was a strong warrier, being trained in the Jeon Empire, and an intelligent prince who studied in Min Kingdom with Yoongi was at loss of words at the beauty standing in front of him.

He was just supposed to check Jin's face lifting his veil for a few seconds, but he forgot to pull it down. When Jin's brother cleared his throat, they both got flustered and that is how they became each other's lovely better halfs.

"Your highness, the King has asked for you to get ready. King Min is visiting today."

Crown Prince looks at the subject of his father. He nods to show his affirmation. Name of his Uncle Yoongi has always brought upon a smile on his face.

But today, he's feeling a little bit stressed. He was smart enough to know what this visit meant. He always knew a day like this would come. But it feels so early. 'He is too young to get married' He thought.

'And that too in Jeon Empire... Will he be able to live peacefully within those strong headed people. What if they don't understand how soft he was. How much love and care he needs to go by everyday.' Taehyung was lost in his thoughts, when suddenly Jin entered his room.

"My little prince is looking so handsome today" Jin's voice takes his attention. He walks ahead to fix the crown on the prince's head.

"Mom, I'm a crown prince now, stop calling me little prince" he says chuckling. "I'm coming from little prince's room, so this tone is set on my mouth."

"How is he. Is he okay? I hope he is not scared or anything..." Taehyung asks thinking about how easily their little prince gets scared.

"He was not his usual self of course, but he is keeping up really well. I guess you should go to him. He needs you more than anything." Taehyung nods his head, already on his feet to go to his omega prince.


The King & Queen welcome the King of Min Kingdom together. After some royal formalities, they all shift to Namjoon's personal meeting chamber. "Where are the prince? I want to meet them" Yoongi asks and Namjoon signals to one of his subjects to call them both.

"I knew the time was here. You are so punctual King Min!"

Yoongi smirks and looks around for a second, waiting for the right moment till the subjects leave the chamber. "It's been 7 years King Kim. It's time that you prepare for his marriage." He says.

The royal couple remains silent, looking at each other with a sentimental look. Time flies so fast.

"Your highness, the Crown Prince of Kim Kingdom, Kim Taehyung has arrived with his highness, the little prince." The door opens and closes once both the princes are in the chamber.

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