14 | Little Heart Drawn Around It

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A month and a half passed away like that. Jungkook gets busier in his workload, and Jimin has nothing to do but wait for him every night. In the daytime, he only reads novels. That was something keeping him sane.

He thought the story was heart fluttering because the characters were strong. But he never realised how much he imagines himself with Jungkook in those scenarios.

On Jungkook's days off, they both glowed like stars. Those were the days giving them energy to get through the whole week.

Happiness on Jimin's face was a scene to behold. He was literally glowing every time Jungkook teased him, laughed with him, or simply stayed with him.

Jimin was also getting used to their hugging and scenting once in a while. For other things, they avoided any other kind of intimacy. It's not like Jimin doesn't trust Jungkook or anything.

The problem was he is in denial. He has taken the possibility of falling for Jungkook in the very first 3 days. But then, he started believing it's just because Jungkook is nice.

Jimin & Jungkook have always been understanding towards each other. Jimin always thought that it is just because his alpha is nice that he feels attracted towards him.

But who are we kidding with. Jungkook is the most ruthless warrior ever. He is rightfully the crown prince of Jeon Empire, the most powerful and strong. He doesn't think twice before cutting a head. But when he comes to his chambers, his eyes becomes soft for Jimin.

He admits he has fallen for Jimin in the very first sight. His time with him only intensified his feelings. He loves him to the level, where he can wait forever for Jimin to fall in love with him.

It's been difficult on him to not touch his mate when he loves him so much. He cannot ever kiss him. His desire to make love to him also makes it hard for him whenever he sees Jimin getting shy or blushing because of him.

He knows there's a big possibility his omega loves him too. But he still has to realise. He doesn't want to pressure him into anything. His heart is fragile. He won't ever risk hurting his heart.

To be able to laugh with Jimin, Jungkook resides on teasing him. He keeps teasing Jimin on everything. Jimin likes it. Everyone knows the person you love can make you laugh very easily. He knows it too. But ignorance is a bliss.


Jungkook returned late from work today. He saw Jimin sleeping on the couch. A novel was also clutched in his hands. Jungkook first decided to change his clothes.

He moved towards Jimin and carefully removed the book from his clutch. His eyes caught something unusual in the book. He looked at the scribbles Jimin drew over the pages with a big grin, he was flustered.

His heart blooms with love for the angel sleeping with no care in the world. He places the book on the table and lifts Jimin up bridal style, who yawns suddenly before wrapping his arms around his neck to hug him sleepily.

Jungkook walks smiling and lays him down carefully. He has never crossed his boundaries, but today he had the courage to go ahead and place a kiss on his sleeping mate's forehead.

"When will you see how much I feel for you" he whispers looking at his closed eyelids, caressing his cheeks affectionately. His eyes move to Jimin's parted lips. He was snoring very inaudible. That was cute.

Jungkook's heart melted and thumped at the same time. Without realising, he was leaning in closer to his lips. He closed his eyes, and breathed in Jimin's puffs of air.

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