she's busy bro (AT)

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WC: 1k

Your ages in this imagine: 17-18

Requested: yes @tatiannaispretty 


My boyfriend had been ignoring me a lot lately, whenever I say let's hang out he's either with the boys or out at a drug deal.

I know it sounds like I'm being clingy but I'm not, because I've had to put up with this shit for 2 weeks now and I nod know if he does that on purpose or if he just doesn't want to hang out with me.

Ashtray is a really protective over the people he loves and since I'm his girlfriend he is really protective over me.

He glares at any guy who stares at me and gets into fights when someone talks wrong about me and would even kill a person for me.

I decided to prank him, the next time he texts me I'll text him back by saying (she's busy bro) and see how he reacts.

I was studying in my room when my phone buzzed, I looked at it and smiled

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ send a message

I opened the message and looked at what he send


Baby ❤️🍃 ~ hey beautiful

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ what are you doing now?

Me ~ she's busy bro

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ ha ha very funny

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ I need to tell you something, can I call you?

Me ~ no I told you she's busy

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ Y/n are you for real

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ who is this!?

Me ~ none of your business

Me ~ let me give you some advice, leave her alone

Me ~ she's mine now

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ I don't know who the hell are you but you've got some nerves talking to ME like that

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ do you even know who I am

Me ~ yup and I don't give a shit

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ but I do, give me Y/n

Me ~ no she's busy

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ with what

Me ~ that's none of your business

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ bro you better back the fuck up before I'll do something you'll regrate your whole fucking life

Me ~ I'm not scared of you

Me ~ why would I

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ Y/n's mine and only mine!

Me ~ you aren't treating her right

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ and how do you know that

Me ~ because she told me

Me ~ she told me everything

Baby ❤️🍃 ~ like what!?

Me ~ look bro I'm just giving her what your not



Five minutes had passed and he yet haven't responded.

Maybe he found something better to do.

I sighed and got in bed scrolling through my Instagram, minutes later I heard loud door bangs ran downstairs.

The door suddenly was pushed open and there were Alex and Leo his befriends.

"what are you guys doing here?" I asked shocked, they just broke my fucking door.

"where is he!?" they asked searching my house "where is who?" "that son of a bitch, your cheating with" Leo spat.

"I'm not cheatin-" I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs and when I turned around I saw my boyfriend with a very angry face.

"where is he?" he asked coming toward me "who the fuck had your phone. Why did you even give your phone to another guy" he asked mad.

"Woah baby calm down" I said and he pushed my hand away from him "give me his name" he said "and don't you fucking lie to me Y/n".

"There is no boy, it's a prank" I said "what!" "bro are you serious" Alex said and I nodded "I swear it's a prank, why are you two even here" I said.

"what we were here to help our boy with his murder" they said and my eyes winded "why the hell would you do this type of shit" ashtray said.

"Because you're never spend time with me you're always with the boys or out at a drug dealing and I don't want to sound clingy or anything but you've been doing this too for 2 weeks and I'm starting to wonder if you still love me" I said feeling my eyes water up.

"fuck this is stupid, you guys should leave" I said going upstairs into my room which was huge mess. I guess ashtray entered through my window since its now open. 

I sighed got in bed and tried my hardest not to cry but couldn't, I mean how could I when I knew the person I love might've lost feelings.

I heard a knock and the door and didn't bother talking "babe" I heard my boyfriend say, he came into my room and I felt the bed dip a little.

"I'm sorry" he said but I didn't reply "I'm so sorry I had no idea you were feeling like this" he said and I wiped my eyes and sat up.

"Ashtray I'll ask you again, do you love me, because if you don't it's fine I get i-" "Y/n I love you" he cut me off "I love you so much you have no idea what you make me feel".

"I wake up every day and thank god that I have you as my girlfriend, I even changed my phone wallpaper to this picture of us because it makes me smile and want to get up out of bed" he said.

"then why don't you want to hang out with me" "I do want to hang out with you but the times you asked me were the times I was most busy" he said "how bout this, I stay here tonight and we can cuddle and watch any movie you want".

"any movie" I said "any movie, even the notebook" he said "I'll even take you on a date tomorrow" I smiled at my boyfriend and hugged him.

"give me a kiss please" he said and I smiled pecking his lips "that's it, I only get a small peck" he pouts and I giggle kissing his lips again. This time more passionately.

I pulled away and he smiled "yup that's much better".




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Q: do you guys have any prank ideas? 

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