rollercoaster (JD)

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WC: 845

Your ages in this imagine: 15-16


We walked closer to the huge rollercoaster, the ground beneath my feet shook and screams rang in my ears. 

"Come on, the line isn't very long," my friends said leading us to the line and we went inside the building. "The line isn't long?" I said looking at the crowded staircase "It will go quick"

As we waited the my friends kept talking about their boyfriends and girlfriends, I had to drag them up the stairs as we moved further into the building. "What happened to your boyfriend, Y/N? Weren't you dating?" they asked and I shook my head. 

"The guy your talking about just used me for looks and pretended to be my boyfriend," I said the guys in front of us hooped and hollered. "I bet I could change your mind, babe. Tom the captain of the football team" he said holding out his hand. 

"I'm good, thanks," I gave him a fake smile and climbed a few stairs, and looked away. "You know, all the girls fall for me," he said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Good thing I've never been 'all the girls' so leave me alone" "How about this, we sit next to each other and if you scream, you be my girlfriend," he said "Still a no" "Look you've never been on a rollercoaster before. You might scream," he stepped closer and rubbed my cheek with his finger.

 He tried to trace my lips but I backed away "Fine but you not sitting next to me," we were on the main platform and a group was getting on the ride. 

My friends and I got in line and I stood behind this really cute guy. "Since it's only two people a seat, do you mind if our friend sits with you?" f/n asked him.

"Sure," he turned and smiled at me, I smiled and sat beside the guy. 

"You haven't been on a rollercoaster before, have you?" I shook my head and he nodded "You'll be fine," he smiled reassuringly at me and we began to move. We crept up the steep hill and paused at the top. 

I barely had enough time to gather a shaky breath before we plunged into a dark tunnel. We rolled to a stop and waited for the next group to get ready. I clutched the lap guard and leaned back. 

"Dang it! I was hoping to hear you scream" I heard the jock behind me and I waved him away. 

"You okay?" The guy sitting next to me squeezed my hand and I nodded. We rolled back to the beginning of the ride and got off. The jock tried to knock the guy I sat next to on the ground but I held my foot out.

I led the guy away with my friends behind us "Did you know him?" he asked and I shook my head. "Some random guy in line. He said if I screamed on the ride, we had to date," we went to the gift shop and looked at our pictures. 

"How long was I holding your hand?" I whispered, pulling my hand from his "The whole time but I thought it was cute," he said making me blush and I looked around. 

"We should go to the ship next" he said and we raced to the line and got on "Is this going to become a habit?" the guy slid into the seat next to me "I guess..wait I haven't caught your name?".

"Jaden" he said "Y/n" I said "Do you want to hold my hand again Y/n?" I rolled my eyes and smiled "I think I'm good, thanks," I said and Jaden took my hand and blushed "I think I might need to hold your hand this time".

ughhh the butterflies 🦋🦋

"Bathroom first and then food" we agreed and went to the nearest bathroom. 

I saw the guy walk up the hill away from us and I went to the bathroom. By the time I left the building, my friends had met up with their boyfriends. 

"Come on. There was a burger joint over here," Y/bff/n led the way and I got in line behind the two couples. We sat on some barstools in the far corner and we ate. I stirred my milkshake, laying my head down. 

I felt something poke my arms "What's wrong? Are you missing someone?" Y/f/n teased "I'm fine. Go back to your boyfriends," I mumbled. 

Soon I felt another poke and I looked up and there Jaden was "Is this going to be a reoccurring theme?" He shrugged. "If you want it to be," he took my hand without looking up from his food and bit a fry. "Maybe," I thought and he smiled. 

"Tomorrow night at 6?" He looked at me and I nodded, blushing. He kissed the back of my hand and left. I saw a folded napkin and saw he wrote his number on it. 

I smiled and my friends squealed hugging me.




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Q: What's the scariest rollercoaster you rid? 

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