beach (JD)

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WC: 898 

Your ages in this imagine: 17-18


As a kid, you always loved spending days at the beach and growing up too, so when my boyfriend told me he wanted to go to the beach I was so excited. "Babe, you're probably more excited than an 8-year-old kid would be. But that's what I love about you", he said pecking my lips.

I couldn't help but smile widely while he gave you a peck. "What? what is it that makes you smile while I kiss you huh?", he asks kiddishly.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that I still can't believe that out of all the girls in the world, you picked me!", I say with faint tears building up in your eyes. "Never say that again. You know how much I hate it when you say things like these to me", he says kissing my forehead.

"Now let's go before you start crying a river", he says jokingly making me fake gasp and slap his chest (playfully).

After packing my swimsuits and all the other necessities we got in his car and drove to the beach blasting music which we sang along to.

After an hour we both arrived at the beach. As soon as we got down the car, I ran towards the sea only to feel the cold breeze hitting my exposed skin, giving me chills down my body.

The silence, the beauty, the emotions I felt here, no other place in the world could replace.

"Y/N, mind helping me set up the mat and food?" Jaden asks and I turn around to see my boyfriend struggling to keep ahold of all our stuff.

"Of course" I giggled helping him set everything down which didn't take us that long.

"So what do we do now?" he asks me, Without thinking much, I took his hand and dragged him towards the sea. Removing all your upper clothing, you're left only in your swimsuits.

"What? No Y/n Do you know how cold the water is? Don't ev-" but it's too late I was already in. "Come in" i said and he shook his head "baby please it's going to be so fun" i said "please if you love me"

"No ynnnn you can't do that" he whined and I giggled "fine then don't get in I guess I'll just have to find someone else to hang out with" I said but I don't think he heard me.

Under the water, it felt like I could count every breath of mine, the water always made me feel alive and aware of every moment that passed.

If heaven ever existed on Earth, it was surely here. The silence of the water was deafening. It was magical down here.

As I was taking in the beautiful view "hi" I heard someone say so I turned around and saw a guy my age "hey" I smiled.

"Sorry I know this is weird but I just saw you here and could help but talk to you..oh-my name is Dylan by the way" he smiled nervously "hey Dylan im yn" "pretty name for a pretty girl".

-Jadens pov-

I went on a little walk then got back to Y/n's and I's place. I looked around and spotted my girlfriend talking with another dude.

A dose of jealousy ran through my veins and I know I said I wouldn't get into the water but here I am doing it. I got in the water ignoring the fact that it was cold and swam toward her.

She was laughing at something he said when I came wrapping my arm around her waist and kissing her cheek "hey baby who's this" I ask staring at the boy. "Oh that's Dylan, Dylan that's Jaden my boyfriend".

"Hey dude nice to meet you" she said friendly "sorry for flirting with her a little, I didn't know she was taken" he said embarrassed "It's alright, now you know" I said.

-Y/n's pov-

After a couple of minutes Dylan went away leaving me and Jaden alone, I turned around and place both arms around my neck "I thought you didn't want to come in" "well I changed my mind" he lied pulling her closer to him.

"Mhmm you suck a bad lier, you were jealous" I giggled and he playfully rolled my eyes "shut up" he mumbled before kissing my lips.

Suddenly he picked me up and warped my legs around him, he ran further into the water and dunked both our bodies which took me by surprise.

After a while we made our way back to our spot and handed me the towel.

I took out my book to read a little but Jaden took it away from me and pulled me onto his lap, he took his towel covering my lower body so that others won't see me much.

"what are you doing" I laughed but he just held me tightly, kissing every inch of my face.

"I wish this moment never ended", he admits and I hummed in agreement playing with his beautiful brown hair.




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Q: do you like the beach?

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