39 - Group Chat

112 0 0

Date: June 26, 2013


Kris, are you online?

Please talk to us!

That article didn't know what it was talking about...

We're all here for you 💕

You're beautiful and perfect! You shouldn't care about what the article says, Kris!

Little wolf🐺✨
But I do care!
Guys, an article that is literally TRENDING just freaking body shamed me!

I don't get why when you're stunning and I'm literally jealous of your body!

Little wolf🐺✨
Lyssa ... I didn't mean it like that. I don't think I'm fat, but the pap do... I'm sorry.

Hey, calm down!
My eating disorder was years ago, I'm getting better.
Right now, this is about you, not me...

So, Kris, how did you find out about it?

Little wolf🐺✨
I woke up yesterday and immediately checked insta, only to discover almost 1000 messages from fans, with most of them sending me the link to the article. So, of course, I clicked on it. Big mistake.

I'm so sorry...

Sending you lots and lots of love 💖

Let the social media dicks think what they want. You are absolutely, drop dead gorgeous, Kris!

Little wolf🐺✨
Thanks guys... I love you all ❤️
But I still want to stay away from social media for a bit until I can get back on my feet.

We understand...
We love you, too 🥺❤️

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