40 - DM's (Kristen and Daniel)

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Date: June 29, 2013

Kris, I'm getting worried now.

It's been three days and we haven't heard a word from you!

Please... just let me know you're alright...

I'm alright, Dan.
I promise!

Are you sure? You know I'm always here for you, right?

I know.. 🙂

Um, I just wanted you to know that I think you're miraculous, and that the world is simply envious of your beauty...

I think your inner Elijah is coming out 😅

Possibly 🙂
But it's me, too. You should give yourself more credit, because you truly are incredible.

Thank you, Dan 🥰💕
You are amazing!

As are you :)

Thank you for cheering me up.
Talk later?

Of course.

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