17 - DM's (Alyssa and Nina)

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Date: July 27, 2012


Hey, Nina! What's up?

I need guy advice.

Honestly, I'd really love to help you, but don't you think someone like Candice or Kristen might be easier to talk to about guys?

I wanted to talk to you about it because I saw the pic of Sebastian sleeping on your insta yesterday and I realised how close you two were.
You make your relationship work! He flies down ever so often from NYC, and you flew over once of twice a month to stay for a while when your schedules meet.
You made long distance seem so easy, therefore, you are my hero.

Okay ?
Are you and Ian experiencing a long distance issue?

Not exactly, that was just an example...
I think... he's looking for something more.

What do you mean 'more'?

He wants to rush into the whole 'let's get married and have five kids' life... where I don't want that yet! I want to enjoy life first. I want to go on crazy adventures and star in a bunch more shows. I'm only 23! I wasn't looking to settle down and start a family until I was at least 27. That's four years, Al! But Ian wants to have kids ASAP, and when he finally does propose to me soon so we can 'start a family', I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying no...
What do I do?

Wow, um... okay. Let me just read through that again so I'm 100% sure what is going on.


So you don't want to start a family for a few more years but Ian wants to start one ASAP?

What would you do if Seb proposed to you this soon?

Um... honestly, I'd probably say yes. He's incredible, and our relationship is right there, you know?
But, you and Ian are obviously different...
Look, if I was you, and I wasn't ready for this, then I wouldn't be with someone who wants different things to what you want. It will just put a strain on your guys' relationship...

So, you think I should break up with Ian...?

I mean, not yet.
You guys really love eachother, it's so obvious. I wouldn't break up with him until you're 100% certain that he wants to settle down.

You're right.
But what if we aren't meant to be like I once thought?

How do you mean?

Lately, Ian has been a little distanced. He keeps staring off at certain places when we're on set, or meet up as a cast.
He always seems like he's staring at a girl, but I've always been terrified to look to see who he's staring at.
Al... I think Ian may be falling for a member of the cast. I'm just too scared to figure out who...

Oh... wow.
Um... all I can recommend is to talk to him about it. If him staring at something or someone is causing you any sort of confusion or fear, then you should definitely talk to him and get some answers that you want from him. It could really clear up some of the tension between you two.

But, again... what if we aren't meant to be?

Nina... if you know, you know.

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