43 - DM's (Alyssa and Justin)

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Date: July 11, 2013


Um, hey, what's up?

Can I ask you a question?

Sure! Shoot.

Do you think Kristen is cheating on me with Daniel?

Justin... don't you think that this is a conversation you should be having with her?

We did have this conversation.

Okay, what did she say?

She said she isn't cheating, and I actually believed her! Until I saw where Daniel replied to my comment, and I realised just how close those two were. It just got me thinking, that's all.

Listen, Kris is one of the most loyal people I know, and that's saying something, considering I know a LOT of people. So, no, I don't think she is cheating on you. She loves you too much for that.

Yeah, that's what she told me...

Then why are you questioning me on it?

I guess I just wanted to be certain.
I mean... me, a world-famous pop star, and Kristen, a world-famous actress and singer! We are literally a world-famous COUPLE! But I am still crazy insecure about our relationship. She's way out of my league! And if we ever break up... it'll be trending on every platform for months!

I understand where you are coming from, Justin. But I promise you now that you have nothing to worry about! You don't need to be insecure over a girl who is never planning on leaving you anytime soon. Okay?

Okay. Thank you, Alyssa.

Of course, Justin. Anytime :)

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