30: Him

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As I recognized the deep voice that had just spoke to me a couple of seconds ago, I turned around in horror. I hoped that when I saw who it was, it wasn't who I thought it was.

Unfortunately, my nightmares became a reality.

There, sitting on a couch with the most irritating smirk on his face...

...was none other than Dabi.

He looked the same as ever. Black hair, same long and flowy jacket, and same third-degree burns on his face, hands, and neck. He looked intimiating, just like a villain should.

I was frozen in fear. I didn't know what to say, or if I could even speak at all. I tried to say something, anything, but no words came out.

"Don't worry, Valerie." He stood up from where he was sitting. "I'm not here to hurt you."

I couldn't process it. The one person who I vowed to stay away from...the person I wanted to stay away from because he was an absolute psycho...was standing right there. Only a few feet away from me.

My cousin said I would be meeting with a hero. Someone good.

He lied to me.

Dabi started to walk towards me. "Oh...there is so much I want to discuss with you. Do you know that? I've been looking for any...EVERY way to bring you here, and that dumb little bird finally brought you here."

Suddenly, without thinking, I grabbed my phone. I fumbled it out of my suit's pockets and tried to call the HN, but a hand grabbed my phone roughly. I looked up, and saw Dabi staring at me with a stern look on his face.

"Now, you don't wanna do that...do you?" His blue eyes seemed to look even more psychotic. They even seemed to glow with a relentless evil.

His grip tightened on the phone, and with one pull, he yanked it out of my hands. My empty hands clenched into fists.

I finally gathered up the courage to speak to him. "What do you want from me?"

"What do I want from you?" He laughed, throwing my phone to the wall. "So much. You have no idea."

He kept coming closer and closer to me until I was against the wall. He put his hand on the wall, and lifted my chin up so I was looking at him. I tried to look away, but he said, "Eyes over here, Princess."

"You wanna know the reason I've been so obsessed with you?" He asked. "Because I want you to work with us. I want you to help us take down this despicable hero world."

"What...what makes you think that I would ever join the League of Villains?" I glared at him.

Dabi chuckled. I could hear the evilness in his voice as he did. "First of all, we're not the League of Villains anymore, Princess. We are the Paranormal Liberation Front. Bit of a joke it you ask me." He let me go from the wall, and started circling me.

"Hawks tells me you know that name. The Meta Liberation Army? Tell me, Princess. What is their purpose?"

"They...they wanted to create a society. A society where people were free to do whatever they'd like with their superhuman meta abilities." I answered.

I was too scared to fight him. I didn't know what he was capable of, being he was able to capture Bakugo.

Dabi chuckled again. "Such a smart little girl. This is one of the many reasons why I love you."

"Love?!" My eyes widened as he still circled me. "You're a complete sociopath! You-"

"Ah, ah, ah. Princess~" Dabi stopped in front of me, wagging his finger. "What's with the name calling?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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