26: Sir Nighteye and Mirio

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(This chapter contains major spoilers. You have been warned!)

As the door opened, we saw many people standing there.

Those people were Bubble Girl, Recovery Girl, Centipeder, and...All Might.

"All Might?" Midoriya was surprised. We both were.

He went forward, and so did I.

"And...you're here, Recovery Girl?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" I said. "Recovery Girl came to heal my leg. She came to heal others too, right?" She nodded in response.

"Oh, I guess I forgot." Midoriya scratched the back of his head.

"But...why are you here?"

"I asked All Might to come...because Sir..." Tears started to fall out of Bubble Girl's eyes. "Sir always admired him so much!" Centipeder tried his best to comfort her.

"There's nothing more we can do." The doctor said. "It's a miracle he even survived this long."

Midoriya and I were left there in shock. Was this...the end of Sir Nighteye?

Was he going to die?

"My healing can't help him either." Recovery Girl said. "He's too far gone for me to save."

"I'm sorry...but you should prepare yourselves. I don't think he'll live to see tomorrow." The doctor gestured towards the room, and Midoriya and I slowly made our way towards it.

All Might went in before us, we just couldn't bring ourselves to go in.

Midoriya then went in, and Aizawa helped me take steps to go by his bed.

"Nighteye!" Midoriya said. "Hang in there! Please, you have to live!"

I could feel my eyes start to water. "Nighteye...you just have to live! For our sakes!"

"I know you didn't know me that well, but please!"

"Never heard you sound so penitent before, All Might. But I didn't resent you for what happened between us." Nighteye whispered. "I mean that. All I wanted...was for you to be happy. And if you've decided to fight fate, then I-"

"You should be fighting it too!" All Might said. "Please give me a chance to make up for what I've done!"

"There's nothing to make up for..." Nighteye said. "I wanted to change the future...to keep you from being killed. What I looked for was to alter the fate I'd seen."

"I tried...but there was nothing I could do."

"And then today...Midoriya succeeded where I failed. I believe...it might have to do with the energy contained in thoughts."

"The power of a vision so strong...it leaves no room for doubt. And strives for the desired future. It wasn't just Midoriya. Everyone there truly believed that what they were fighting for could come to pass."

"Maybe what we saw today was that energy converting onto Midoriya and being released."

I couldn't hold them in anymore. Tears started to fall down my cheeks, and I started crying uncontrollably. Aizawa pulled me in close as an attempt to comfort me.

I didn't want to see Nighteye die.

I wasn't going to see Nighteye die.

"I only...have one regret left."


I looked over at the door in surprise, and I saw Mirio standing there. His eyes were full of tears.

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