17: Second Semester, Begin!

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Just the next day, it was the start of the second semester! We had a small orientation today, so the classes were heading there.

Since Midoriya and Bakugo were still on house arrest, they missed the orientation.

Right now, I'm leading Class 1-A to the orientation.

"Listen up, everyone!" Iida did his best to help me guide them. "Stay in line and move promptly into position! I want to see order!

Sero pointed at him. "Uh, you're the only one who's not in line."

Iida realized he was right and started apologizing to nobody. "The dilemma of a Class Rep..."

I stopped everyone quickly, and walked over to Iida. "Hey, I think I've got it from here, Iida. Thanks for your help!" I gave him a thumbs up.

He quickly moved into the line. "Yes, ma'am!" I sighed, just giving Iida a smile.

"I heard a little rumor about Class 1-A." I heard someone say. I walked back up to the front to find Monama, a student from Class 1-B standing there.

"Two people! You had two people fail the Licensing Exam, you losers!" He screamed hysterically.

"Monama from Class B..." Sero looked slightly terrified.

"He's just as unhinged as usual..." Kaminari had a look of disgust on his face.

Kirishima moved closer to Kaminari. "Bet you were the only one in your class to fail. Just like in the final, huh."

Monama just gave them a laugh, then turned away from them.

"That wasn't an answer!" Kirishima was now a little terrified.

"Ha! Actually..." Monama started. "Every one of us passed! We've pulled ahead of you big shots."

Todoroki looked disappointed in himself as he leaned against the wall. "I'm sorry. It's my fault."

"Hey, hey, hey!" I immediately rushed to his side. "It's not your fault! Don't let him get to you!"

I then turned to Monama. "Hey. You need to chill out. You're going to make our students feel worse about themselves."

"Terribly sorry, Ms. Valerie." Monama brushed a strand of his hair away. "I can't help that your students are such losers."

"Say that again." I glared at him. "I dare you." Monama was now becoming a little terrified himself.

"According to Teacher Vlad, we're having classes together this semester! Doesn't that sound like it'll be fun?" A new girl in Class 1-B, Pony Tsunotori said. "I'm looking forward to it!"

"That's right!" I walked up to them. "I can't exactly tell you what you're going to learn yet, but trust me when I  say that you're going to enjoy it."

"I can't wait to test out my skills!" Kirishima was pumped up. As he said that, Monama whispered something in Pony's ear.

Kaminari turned to Kirishima, lightly blushing. "Oh hey, isn't she the exchange student?"

Monama stopped whispering to Pony, and she turned to Kirishima and Kaminari. "Touch me and I'll pummel you till your momma doesn't know ya!" She said, rather excited.

Kaminari and Kirishima looked shocked. I bet they weren't expecting her to say that, but neither was I.

I quickly covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing. It was really hard to keep the giggles from coming.

Monama didn't hold back though. He started laughing hysterically, almost like he had lost his mind.

Itsuka Kendo, the Class Representative of Class 1-B came up behind Monama. "Stop filling your mind with crazy stuff!" She chopped him on the neck, which made him stop laughing.

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