12: All For One

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We were worried that All For One was on the the scene, and that's when it happened.

Suddenly, Toga spat out the gray goo. The other members of the league were being engulfed by the goo too.

"Stop them! Before they all disappear!" Gran Tarino yelled. We all tried to run and stop them.

"Damn it!!" All Might yelled.

"We can't let them get away!" I lunged forward, trying to grab Dabi and Magna, but I was too late. They were gone.

"You won't escape Shigaraki! Take me with you!" All Might tried to grab him too, but he also failed at doing so.

Soon it was just us heroes left with the Nomu.

"No...no!! I'm so sorry!!" Kamui yelled.

"This wasn't your fault." Edgeshot said as he back flipped to dodge an attack.

"He's right." I dodged one too. "You never saw this coming. The warp quirk isn't one that you can avoid with physical containment." I quickly shot a lightning bolt at one of the Nomu.

"All Might!" Gran Tarino yelled at him.

"Oklahoma...SMASH!!" He yelled as he smashed down several Nomu that were on him.

The Nomu he smashed when out of the building and onto the street below, but it wasn't over.

All Might and I went up on a part of the wall so we could see the street below. The police were trying to shoot the Nomu and Endeavor was busy burning them to a crisp.

We both coughed because of the inhale of ashes. "Endeavor!" All Might called to him. "Are you keeping up?"

Endeavor gestured to several burnt Nomu on the ground. "Does it look like I'm having any trouble? Worry about your own responsibilities, you fool!" He said in an angry tone.

He suddenly turned around, and burned a Nomu in the air. "If you're going to go after them, now's the time!"

"Right." All Might said as he looked off into the distance. He then looked at me. "Valerie, I need you to help out Endeavor and the other heroes here. Can you do that?"

I nodded. "Leave it to me." I said with determination. "Be careful and don't die, okay?"

"Got it." And that's when All Might leapt off to go find Bakugo.

I flew down to the situation and hand, and started fighting the Nomu beside Endeavor.

"I thought I told you and All Might to worry about yourselves! I'm fine here, leave me alone!" Endeavor shouted.

"Sorry, but I can't do that." I said as I blasted a Nomu with a beam of light.

And that is where our fight began.

(Time skip)

It took a little while, but we finally killed the last of the Nomu that appeared.

I wiped my mouth to find black blood on the back on my hand, but I didn't care.

Me, Endeavor, and several other Pro Heroes stood in front of the police as they started to say something us, but I wasn't listening too well.

"Looks like we've got the Nomu under control." Someone said. "You have to go help All Might!"

"Valerie...! Valerie!" A voice yelled my name and snapped me out of my trance. "Yes?"

"Aren't you coming?!" Endeavor asked me.

"What?...Endeavor...?" I looked at him surprised. I thought he hated me. I obviously hated him a lot, but that didn't matter in the case of right now.

"I said, aren't you coming?!" He yelled even louder.

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