5: Final Exams

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As I walked into a full classroom of chattering kids, 20 heads turned in my direction.

"Valerie!" They shouted at me.

"Woah, woah! Cool it!" I said as they swarmed me.

"We were worried about you!"

"When I saw the news, I didn't know what to think!"

"Is it true you were saved by Endeavor?"

"Oh, that. Um...yeah." I scratched the back of my head.

The Chief of Police told us that they'll cover up the story. They'll tell the media that I fought the Hero Killer to save the kids and a Pro Hero, but Endeavor eventually had to come in and save me.

I'll tell you this much, I did NOT like that cover story.

"Hey! Who's ready for the final exams?" I changed the subject. Everyone started to groan.

"I've barely even taken notes this semester!" Mina and Denki shouted at the same time. Mina laughed her head off while Denki said, "With the Sports Festival and Internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook!"

Everyone immediately went away from me to talk about the final exams. I sighed in relief knowing the attention was off me.

I put my bag on a stool and looked at the class. That's when Ochako and Tsu walked up to me.

"How come your arms are wrapped up in gauze?" Tsu asked.

"Did you get that from the Hero Killer?" Ochako asked.

"Yeah. I was taken to the hospital and Recovery girl did her best to heal me, but it didn't work to well." I said.

That was a lie. Recovery girl tried to heal the cuts on my arm, but my curse was blocking her from doing so. We decided just to let them heal on their own since it wasn't too bad.

That's when Aizawa came into the room.

(Time skip)

After class was over for the day, the teachers of UA had a meeting about final exams and current events.

"We know that final exams are coming up, right?" Principal Nezu said.

Everyone in the room nodded.

"Alright then, let's talk strategy for the exams then. All teachers will be participating in every class's exam. That includes you, Valerie." Nezu pointed at me.

"So I'm still fighting, even with a suspended license?" I asked.

"Correct. Since we're in a school environment, we can allow you to use your quirks without your license. It's the outside world where you cannot for now." Midnight explained.

"So we'll be fighting the kids..." All Might scratched his chin in thought. "But we can't go all out on them! That would put them at a huge disadvantage, so what do we do?"

"I've already planned for this." Nezu said. He held up a weight bracelet.

"I bought these for all the teachers. We'll be wearing them for the exams. They'll weigh us down a lot, making it harder for us to move around easier."

"And as for you, young lady with the multiple quirks," Midnight pointed at me. "We've made a list on which quirks you can and cannot use for their exams." She handed me a sheet of paper.

I looked over the list, and realized a mistake was made. "Um, could I change something really quick?" I said.

"What would you like to change?" Midnight asked, leaning forward a bit.

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