29: The Number One Hero, Endeavor

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After Christmas was over, we had a few days of winter break before classes started up again.

Although, we weren't actually going to have classes, because work studies were going to become mandatory.

The day after Christmas, I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, Val- I mean...Queen." I recognized that gruff, unfriendly voice anywhere.

"Ah, Endeavor." I smiled, sitting on my bed in my room. "I've never received a call from you. Why'd you call now?"

"Look, I'll get straight to the point." He said, clearly annoyed that he had to call me. "Three of your students are going to do work studies with me, one of them being Shoto. I didn't ask the other two to work with me, Shoto decided to invite them."

I remember that. Todoroki had asked Bakugo and Midoriya if they wanted to do work studies with him and Endeavor. But...

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"I want you to help me 'babysit' these student heros. I can't take on three all at once! I'm a busy man, you know." He sounded as if he said "babysit" in air quotes.

"But...don't you have sidekicks? Can't they help you?" I asked.

"Look, Shoto wanted you to help." He said. "I'm only granting his wish because I want to try and be a better father to him, okay?!"

"Okay, okay! No need to yell." I laughed, repositioning myself on my bed. "I'll be there early, before Shoto and his friends get there. That sound good?"

"Yes." Then, he hung up.

I looked at my phone in shock, then slammed it on my bed. How irritating! He didn't even say thank you or anything!

I guess I did agree to it after all, either way.

I'd be helping Endeavor, the number one hero, with his work studies.

(Time skip)

The day came where I'd be helping Endeavor with his work studies. I got there bright and early, and he explained how everything would work. Mostly just patrol.

I'd help him give pointers to the kids, and help fight off any villains too.

When Shoto and his friends finally arrived, I was ready to help him out.

"Welcome to the Endeavor Agency!" He said as Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya got off the public bus.

He had this look on his face that was too angelic to be true. He was trying so hard to maintain his composure.

"Uh...hi Shoto!" I waved. "Kacchan and Midoriya too! Good to see you!"

Endeavor sighed, then focused on these three. "I gave my permission reluctantly as a favor to Shoto, but I wish he'd come on his own." He told them. "Maybe then I wouldn't need HER help." He gestured to me.

"Excuse me? You're the one who practically begged me on the phone for my help, so don't blow it away." I glared at him.

"I've been thinking since supplementary lessons." Bakugo started talking out of nowhere, looking at Endeavor. "You're a jerk."

"Son! Are you really friends with this delinquent?!" Endeavor shouted. People around us started to stare.

"But if I can see how the top hero works, I don't really care." Bakugo said.

Good old Kacchan... I thought. Nobody else would have the guts to talk to Endeavor like that except him.

"I told you to choose your allies wisely!" Endeavor yelled at Todoroki again.

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