10: Summer training camp, Day 3

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The whole day went by like normal. The students trained all day, and they made themselves dinner and ate it.

After dinner, the Wild Wild Pussycats announced that they were going to do a "test of courage!" as they called it.

All of us, Class 1-A and B, went out into the middle of the woods.

"Are you guys ready for a totally awesome test of courage?" Pixie-Bob asked.

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina cheered as Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, and Sato cheered with her.

"Not quite." Aizawa said to them. "It pains me to say this, but the group that didn't pass their finals will be having lessons with me tonight instead."

They all stood there for a second in shock, before someone finally cracked. "You've got to be kidding me!!" Mina screeched.

"Your training from earlier didn't impress me enough, so I'm using this time as well." Aizawa wrapped them all in his scarf.

As they walked out, Aizawa turned his head towards me. "Val, would you mind staying here? Just to keep an eye on things for me."

"Will do! Have fun!" I waved as they walked off.

After they left, the Wild Wild Pussycats explained what the students were going to be doing.

There was going to be one class of scarers, and one class of people who were going to try not to be scared.

The point of the exercise was for the people who were going to try not to be scared to make in through the forest and back without peeing their pants (As Pixie-Bob put it anyway).

Once they were done explaining the rules, Mandalay handed out their teams. Class 1-A were going to be the ones going through forest, while Class 1-B were going to be the scarers.

I looked over to Todoroki, who was paired with Bakugo.

Ha. I thought. Good luck with that, Shoto.

Once all the teams were out, the "totally awesome test of courage" was underway!

(Time skip)

It's been a while since the exercise started, and there have been many screams coming from the forest. I couldn't help but laugh.

Suddenly, my laughter was stopped. I could smell something. And it wasn't pleasant.

I looked around me, and it looked like the others noticed it too.

"What's this foul smell in the air?" Pixie-Bob asked as she sniffed the air.

"Do you see that?" Midoriya pointed to black smoke in the air.

"Maybe a fire on the mountain perhaps?" Iida guessed.

"Valerie!" Mandalay turned to me.

"You got it!" I spread my wings and burst up into the sky to get a bird's eye view.

It was exactly what Iida had guessed. There was a forest fire not to far from where we were. Something was unusual about the flames though.

They were blue flames. You don't normally see them too often, meaning this was no ordinary forest fire.

Something or someone was causing it.

I flew back down, but I quickly had to fly back up.

There were people there, and they were attacking the Wild Wild Pussycats.

I flew back up because I was almost struck by a person with a giant magnet.

"Who are you?!" I asked the person.

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