9: Summer training camp, Day 2

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Class 1-A got up early in the morning to start their training. Everyone was tired and yawning, but I was wide awake.

"Hey, Class 1-A! Listen up!" I clapped my hands.

"Why do we have to wake up so early in the morning?" Mina yawned.

"Because your training starts today." Aizawa said, stepping forward.

He handed me a rubber ball, the same one that everyone threw the first day of school.

"Try throwing this ball." He said to me, then turned to the class. "Valerie has improved along with all of you, but let's see exactly how good she's gotten."

I stepped forward, clutching the ball in my hands. I winded up my throw, then threw it. I used my telekinesis quirk again this time, and sent the ball pretty far.

Aizawa looked at my score. "1,040.3 kilometers."


"Wasn't her score like 1,037 last time?"

"How come she couldn't throw the ball farther?"

"This whole time at UA, we've been focusing on improving your combat skills and training you to become better heroes." Aizawa explained. "But, we haven't taken the time at all to improve your quirks directly. That is where this camp training will come in handy."

We walked into a big open area. There were all kinds of tools and equipment everywhere.

It was time for Class 1-A to improve their quirks.

(Time skip)

It was noon now. Everyone was hard at work, all working at improving their quirks.

I floated around to each person, supervising their training. That's when I was almost hit with a chunk of ice.

"Woah! Watch where you're putting that ice, Shoto!" I laughed as I floated over to him.

"Sorry..." He huffed. "I just gotta keep working."

Todoroki's training was working on switching from fire to ice, and back again. He's currently in a bin of boiling water, switching the temperatures from hot to cold and cold to hot.

"Hey...aren't you supposed to be working on something? I thought Aizawa wanted you to try and improve your quirks too." He said.

"I am! I'm working on being able to use my quirks longer without getting tired. And since they all have the same time limit, I'm working on just one, anti-gravity!" I grinned. "Anyway, no chitchat! Back to work!"

I suddenly noticed that Aizawa was walking up to Class 1-B, who had just walked in. I floated over to them as well.

"It's time to improve your quirks, 1-B!" I did spirals in the air. Anti-gravity was pretty fun, I'm not really sure why I didn't use it as much.

"Woah, so cool!"

"Isn't that Aizawa's student teacher, Valerie?"

"She's so pretty!"

"I'd totally date her if she asked."

"Nobody's going to date Valerie. An definitely not a scum." Aizawa glared at the kid who said that.

I giggled, and came up to Class 1-B.

"Anyway, it's time to get started!" I said. "Get out there and get training!"

"She's right!"

"Time to improve your quirks!"

"Let's get going!"

"Nobody'll stronger than you after this training camp."

I turned around to find the Wild Wild Pussycats standing there. Except, it was all of them!

All four of them, Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger introduced themselves to Class 1-B, and they set off to go train!

(Time skip)

After they finished their training, everyone made it back to camp.

When they got back, they found dishes, food, and all sorts of different stuff laid out.

"We told you that we wouldn't be feeding you dinner anymore!" Pixie-Bob grinned.

"So here you go! We have multiple ingredients everywhere to help you prepare for your dinner!" Ragdoll gestured to the space.

Everyone groaned, but Iida held his chin in thought. "This is a great way to test our cooking skills and working together as a team..."

"Okay then, Class 1-A and B! Let's make the best dinner we've ever made!"

Aizawa sighed next to me. "Thank you, Iida." He said, sounding relieved.

"Yes." I giggled. "Thank goodness for Iida."

(Time skip)

Aizawa, Vlad and I had finished our dinner in the cafeteria, and I decided to go to bed early because I was tired from all the floating.

After a few minutes of peaceful sleeping, the door to my room opened. I slowly opened my eyes to see a short figure standing there.

"Valerie? Oh, I'm sorry...did I wake you?" The figure said as they walked closer. It sounded like Uraraka.

"Yeah, but please don't worry about it." I said, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. "What do you need, Uraraka?"

"I needed your help on something. Something is really bothering me, and I just need someone to talk it over with. I can't talk to it with the girls because I feel like they might tease me about it. Can I talk to you about it?" She asked.

"Of course you can." I smiled. "I won't tease you, nor will I judge you. Feel free to vent your feelings to me."

"Okay well...I've been feeling rather...flustered lately." She twiddled with her fingers. "My heart feels all stirred up, and my face grows hot and flustered. The thing is, it only happens around a certain person. I can't figure out why I feel this way, and I can't tell if it's a good or a bad feeling."

I looked down for a moment, then smiled back up at her. "Uraraka...you're in love."

Her face immediately turned red. "No way! That's not it, is it?"

I laughed. "After what you just told me, it seems like that's the case." I said, then turned to her. "So, who's the lucky person?"

"Well...I don't know if I should say..."

"It's Midoriya, isn't it?" I asked, pretty mediocre.

Her face turned and even brighter shade of red, then she looked down.

"How did you know?" She asked softly.

"Because I've seen you two." I said. "You may not know this, but us teachers notice things that the students don't think we do. I've seen how you and Midoriya talk to each other. You both seem pretty flustered when you talk to each other."

"Now, I'm no expert in love. I've never actually been in love with someone romantically, or at least I think. But all I can say, is that you don't have to gatekeep your feelings. Don't be afraid to talk to someone about them, okay?"

"Okay. I think I can do that." She smiled.

"Great. Now..." I yawned big. "I gotta get some rest. I'm so tired, and you gotta get your beauty rest too."

"Right. Thanks, Valerie." She said as she walked out of my door and shut it.

"No problem." I called after her, then flopped back into my sheets.

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