15: Provisional Licensing Exam

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Class 1-A took time to work and figure out their special moves. While working on them, each student took time to change up their hero costumes a bit as well.

After a day of training, the girls gathered in the common area of our dormitory.

We were all dressed in our pajamas and sitting on the seats and couches. For the first time in a while, I wore my hair in a low bun to keep it out of my face.

"I'm beat!" Mina sighed, leaning back against the back of the couch.

"They don't call this special training for nothing, Mina." Jirou did the same as her.

"Right!" I said. "The important thing to remember is that your special move is what you make of it. Be creative when thinking of one!"

"Easy for you to say." Jirou smiled. "You have that crazy awesome move that you can use at 100% of your power."

"Yeah, but it really drains my energy. Everytime I use it, I become so drained that I faint." I said, chin resting on my hand. "I really need to work that thing out..."

"How's your special move going, Yao-Momo?" Hagakure asked.

"I have the image of it in my head, but I can't quite get my body to do it. I'll keep working on it though." Yaoyarozu said.

"That's the spirit! The more you practice, the better it will get!" I encouraged her.

"How about you, Tsu?" Hagakure asked her.

"I've been able to make a move that's a bit more frog-like." Tsu said.

"What about you Ochako?" Hagakure asked.

Ochako didn't answer her. She seemed wrapped up in her own world.

"Ochako?" Tsu lightly tapped her on the arm. That's when Ochako finally jumped.

"What? What did you say?" Ochako asked, clueless to our conversation.

"Are you okay? You seem off." Tsu asked.

"Yeah! Ever since you came back from the support room with Midoriya and Iida, you've been weird." I said, then leaned in a little. "Did something happen?"

"No, not really...it's just..." She blushed, her eyes sparkling a little.

"Lately, it's seems my heart is all stirred up about something..."

"It's love!" Mina immediately blurted.

"What?!" Ochako was taken back by surprise. "Glove?! Shove?! Dove?! I don't know anything about that!"

"So who is it?" Mina asked excitedly. "Midoriya or Iida? You're always hanging out with those two!"

"No, no, no!" Ochako covered her face with her hands, accidentally making herself float. "You've got it all wrong!"

"You know, Ochako..." I gave her a small smile. "You don't have to tell them if you don't want to."

"You know about it?!" Hagakure practically screamed at me.

"Well...yeah!" I held my hands up in defense. "She came to me during camp to talk about it!"

"Well, even if you knew, you're not in a position to talk either." Jirou smirked at me.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Come on! We saw how you and Todoroki were acting during the room competition! It's obvious you two like each other!" Mina said.

I blushed deeply. "N-No way! Todoroki and I are just friends. There's nothing going on between us!"

"Mhm...even though we CLEARLY saw his drawing of you and him." Mina said, smirking as well. "He definitely likes you."

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