28: Merry Christmas!

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After their training, many months went by, and the days began to grow colder.

Mirio and Midoriya visited Eri, and she was discharged from the hospital.

UA had a gigantic festival, and Class 1-A put on a concert at the festival.

Eri came to the festival with Mirio and I, and she loved it so much. She even smiled for the first time in front of us.

Seeing that filled mine and Mirio's hearts with joy.

A month after that, Class A and B had a joined training. They fought against each other, and tied. Shinso, an individual from General Studies looking to switch to the hero course, joined Class B in this fight.

He did great, even matched up with Midoriya.

I remember the times when Aizawa, Shinso, and I trained to teach Shinso everything we knew. Shinso and I even became good friends after that.

I still remember the time I was sitting on the roof of UA, and he came up there with me.

"Hey Val." He said, sitting down next to me.

"Ah, Shinso!" I said, surprised to see him. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you a question." He put his hands on his knees, looking up at the sky.

"Go ahead."

"What...why did you want to become a hero?" Shinso looked at me.

That was a good question. To be honest, I had never really thought about it before.

"I think...I think I wanted to be a hero because...I wanted to."

"Huh?" Shinso looked at me confused. "What do you mean 'because I wanted to'?"

"Well...does anyone really need a reason to become a hero and save lives?" I looked back at him.

"Well, I would think so." Shinso said.

"Why do you want to become a hero?" I asked him the same question.

"Because I wanted to save people and prove that my quirk could be used for good, not evil." Shinso said.

"You have a very valid reason." I said. "As for me, I just simply wanted to be a hero. There's nothing more to it."

I know what you're thinking, I was confusing with him. But to be honest, I was telling the truth.

I wanted to be a hero because I wanted to.

Either way, that's how the past few months went. And before I knew it, Christmas time was here.

I had gotten presents for every member of Class 1-A and my friends, and I was going to give them presents tonight at our Christmas party.

Aizawa, Eri and I headed over to Class 1-A's dorm. Aizawa opened the door, while I held Eri in my arms.

"Sorry we're late." Aizawa said, peeking his head in. "Have you started the party already?"

I walked in, holding a cute-looking Eri Claus. I was wearing a red Santa outfit that matched her.

"Here's Eri!" I smiled. All of Class 1-A's eyes lit up.

"I'm supposed to say..." Eri looked over at me. "Trick-or-treat?"

"No, that's the wrong holiday." I smiled. "That's Halloween."

"Eri Claus!" A group of voices in front of us squealed.

We looked over to find Kirishima, Midoriya, Tsu, and Ochako coming towards us.

"Oh, she's adorable!" Ochako slid on the floor.

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