14: UA Dorms Part 2

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After we had finished decorating our rooms, I sat out in the common space with the rest of the guys since the girls were still busy with their rooms.

"Ah, I'm so beat!" Kirishima said next to me.

"Me too! You done unpacking?" Sero asked him.

"I think so."

"Feels good, right?" Midoriya asked.

"I know we could've died, but it feels pretty exciting to be living here!" Kaminari said.

"It really is, isn't it? I'm just glad I get to be with you all." I smiled, giving Kirishima a light punch in the shoulder.

"A unified class! It's a perfect way to increase our corporation and discipline! How smart!" Iida said eagerly as he chopped the air.

"So you never relax, do you?" Kirishima looked from me to Iida.

"I guess not." I gave Kirishima a wary smile.

"Hey boys~. Hey Valerie~. All done with your rooms?" Mina said as her and the rest of the girls walked in.

I was surprised to hear Mina say that. "Why you gotta say my name like that..." I put my face in my hands, blushing madly.

"Yup!" Kaminari answered her. "We're just unwinding now!"

"Well, the girls and I-minus Valerie-have been talking, and..." Mina started.

"We have a great idea!" Hagakure squealed.

"Let's go around, and see who has the coolest room!" Mina giggled.

Midoriya, Tokoyami, and Mineta didn't seem to thrilled with that idea.

"That's a perfect idea!" I stood up quickly and clapped my hands together. "I'm really excited to see your rooms! It'd be a perfect chance to learn more about all of you!"

Once I said those words, the room fell silent. They all looked at me with worried looks on their faces.

"Okay, what's going on?" I put my hands on my hips. "You all have been giving me these worried looks all day. Is there something wrong?"

"It's just..." Mina fumbled with her fingers.

Iida chopped the air once again. "Wait. Maybe we shouldn't ask it. What if it's a sensitive topic? We don't want to invade her privacy."

"Just ask it. I don't care at this point, really. I'm just tired of you all acting like there's something wrong with me." I crossed my arms, waiting for someone to speak up.

"Well, we saw the news...and..." Kirishima scratched the back of his head.

"When we saw it for ourselves in the hospital, that's when we started being worried for you." Yaoyarozu stepped forward.

"How can you be so positive when you've temporarily lost your quirks?" Sero finally spat it out.

"Oh, guys...I haven't lost my quirks..." I untied my wings and spread them out as proof.

"Valerie! If you do that, then...!" Midoriya held his hand out towards me.

"It's fine, Midoriya." I tied my wings back up. "Since my wings are an attachment of my body, it doesn't affect them. It's only when I fly when it affects them."

"Oh, good." Midoriya smiled softly.

"And as for being down about my quirks, who said I was disappointed? This has happened to me before, so I'm used to it. Please, don't you worry about me." I gave them all a warm smile.

"Oh, that's good." Kirishima smiled.

"I got worried when Mina brought it up!" Kaminari screeched, running towards me. "I was worried you'd be all sad and stuff!" He gave me a hug from the side.

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