20: Work Studies

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That evening, Midoriya came home with great news. He had been accepted into Sir Nighteye's agency! Once I heard that news, I immediately went to the dormitory with Aizawa.

I had also gotten a call at the Provisional Licensing Exam extra classes.

Once I got to the dorms with Aizawa, we heard them talking about work studies. Aizawa immediately butt into their conversation.

"We can't really blame them." Ojiro said. "Unlike the Internships, we'll be directly involved. So if anything were to go wrong, then-"

"Then the Pros have to take responsiblity for whatever happened." Aizawa finished for him once we got into the dormitory.

"Uh...hey Mr. Aizawa! You too, Val!" Kaminari said a little uneasy.

"Hiya! Only Pros who are the real deal will take on rookies like you guys, knowing the risks involved!" I said, then Aizawa and I both turned to Tokoyami.

"Tokoyami," Aizawa said. "Looks like you've got an offer from one of them."

I held up my phone. "While I was at the Provisional Licensing Exam extra classes, I got a phone call. It was my cousin." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Hawks has invited you to work with him in Kyushu."

"No way!"

"Dude, he's the number three hero!"

"That's awesome!"

"Woah, good job!"

"Well? What do you say?" I asked. "Just letting you know, my cousin is quite stubborn. Even if you do say no, he might ask again."

Tokoyami bowed his head. "I respectfully accept." He said.

"Great! I'll let him know then. Aizawa and I can get you the necessary paperwork for that." I told him.

"Let me know the days you're going into Kyushu. I can sign off your abensces on those days." Aizawa said.

"Hey, Kirishima!" I ran up to him and plopped down next to where he was leaning on the couch. "I got a text from Tamaki from the Big Three. He wants to talk to you about something. I'm sure it has something to do with a work study."

I looked over at Ochako and Tsu. "You two also have somebody who wants to see you. Nejire wants to talk to you both! Must be for the same reason."

"If that's all, then I'm leaving." Aizawa said, walking out.

I waved at him. "Have a good night, Aizawa! See you tomorrow!" He waved back and went out the door.

"Amajiki wants to talk to me? About the work studies possibly?" Kirishima held the back of his head. "Who does he even work with?"

"Tamaki works with the Pro Hero Fatgum, and Nejire works with Ryukuu. Two pretty good agencies if you ask me. You'll see them tomorrow at school, so you can ask them then." I explained.

"I have to wait until tomorrow?" Kirishima got up from the back of the couch. "Nope! I'm going over to the third year's dorm right now." With that, he got up and walked over to the door.

"I don't think I can wait either..." Tsu pointed at her cheek, then got up from the couch. "Let's go with him!"

"Yeah!" Ochako got up too.

I took this opportunity to take Tsu's spot, so I flipped into her seat. "Okay then! Just remember, Tamaki's and Nejire's dorm is 3-A!" They all nodded in response and headed out the door.

"Ah man, I'm so jealous of those guys!" Kaminari said.

"We'll just have to work harder!" Sero said.

Mineta looked at Mina in a creepy way. "Who cares about work studies anyway? First years like us will just get stuck running errands and doing paperwork all day."

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