3: Stain, the Hero Killer

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The Sports Festival was a blast. After the whole incident, they finished up all the battles. You'll never believe who won.

None other than Katsuki Bakugo.

I was surprised too. I didn't expect him to be the one to win, but I also didn't expect him to lose either.

A month later, all of Class 1-A were out on their internships. I was busy in the teacher's lounge, grading papers and doing other work. I was beat. Who would've thought I would feel this drained from doing all this?

I need coffee... I thought to myself as I ran my fingers through my hair.

Right then, as if on cue, a cup of coffee was set down on my desk beside me.

I looked up at the person who set it down. It was Aizawa.

"You look drained." He said, walking over to the cabinets. "Thought you could use a cup of coffee."

"Thanks." I replied, taking a swig of it. "I'm really gonna need it, thanks to the excessive amount of quirks running through my body. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I've gotten permission to go back to teaching class again." Aizawa said, sitting down at his desk, which was right next to mine.

"That's nice." I said, still tired. "Mhm." He hummed in response to my answer.

Suddenly, he picked up a sticky note and groaned.

"What?" I asked. "What is it?"

"I forgot. I have an errand to run in Hosu City." He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at the sticky note. "And I'm way too busy. I have to catch up on preparing lesson plans."

I walked over to him and looked at the note over his shoulder. I smiled at him. "I can do it for you!"

He looked back at me with a surprised expression. "You seem exhausted. Are you sure?"

I grabbed the cup of coffee and chugged it down fast. I then slammed it on my desk and smiled big. "I won't be now!"

Aizawa rolled his eyes, but I could see a smile peeking out from the corners of his mouth.

"Here." He said, giving me the note. "That'll help you remember what to do."

"You can count on me!" I started to walk out the door of the teachers lounge.

"I sure hope so." Aizawa said as I left.

(In Hosu City...)

Even with my flight quirk, I couldn't make it to Hosu before nighttime. I walked around the streets of Hosu, looking for the place that was written on the note.

Suddenly, I heard a big boom. It seemed this city was under attack. I started to make my way towards the direction of the sound, but that's when I saw them.

Endeavor. And Todoroki. Todoroki told me he'd be doing his internship with his father, but I didn't think they'd be here in Hosu.

Suddenly, I saw Todoroki stop and pull out his phone. Endeavor yelled at him, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Todoroki just ran off, but his dad yelled at him. He didn't even take the chance to look back.

Using one of my quirks, I made a plasma copy of myself and told it to go fight. It ran off in the opposite direction.

I was going to go after Todoroki. He was going to get involved in something else, wasn't he?

I followed Todoroki to an alleyway. Before I entered the alleyway, I decided to use my invisible quirk to conceal myself.

Todoroki walked up to the situation at hand, and I was not too far behind him. Apparently, there was four other people up ahead, one standing while all the others were on the ground. They all seemed to be injured.

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