Chapter 67: From Me to You

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As she closed the door to Kuroo's room, Nakano chuckled to herself, listening to the conversation happening on the stairs getting louder as the boys approached her.

"Tsukki-bro you sure you got me?  'Cause I'm shorter than you but I weigh more and it's gotta be kinda hard for you to sorta carry me like this up the stairs, dude.  You should really like eat more meat and stuff, bro..." 

"Boku-bro, I got you.  Just keep stepping up, okay?  NO, DUDE!  Like one foot at a time..."

Nakano covered her mouth with her hand at the sound of Tsukishima tossing around the words 'bro' and 'dude.'  Oh my goodness, she thought, this ought to be interesting.  How much did he have to drink?  The pretty girl's eyes sparkled with anticipation, wondering what she was going to see when the boys finally made it up the stairs. 

Bokuto was continuing to ramble on.  "...gonna be such a great time because they both deserve it ya know?  I'm gonna make sure it's the best birthday any one of them ever had together even though they've never had one together before.  Well, I mean they've had them but not at the same time with each other, right?  So this will be the best...NAKA-CHAN!"  Bokuto shouted happily at the top of his lungs as he and Tsukki arrived on the second floor.  Tsukki had his arm around Bokuto's waist, and the other hand was holding Bokuto's arm around Tsukishima's shoulders.  Each of them was holding a half-finished bottle of water, making Nakano smile at the influence Kuroo had over them even when he wasn't around.  Bokuto's grin was wide, and his movements were a little uncoordinated.  Nakano placed a finger over her lips, about to tell the rather soused owl to be quiet, when he suddenly got the idea and turned to Tsukki.  "SHHHHHH!"  Bokuto made the loudest shushing noise Nakano had ever heard, forcing her to once again cover her mouth to keep her laughter in.  "Kuroo-bro must be sleeping Tsukki-dude, so we need to be quiiiiet!"  

Tsukki grinned at Nakano, knowing that his bro was exactly the opposite of quiet at this point.  "Bokuto's a liiiiittle bit drunk," the blonde told his girlfriend.

"So I see," she replied with a grin, taking in her boyfriend's flushed cheeks, adorable little smile, gentle wobble to his walk and blown pupils.  And you're not all that far behind him, Tsukki-bro, she thought.  "Looks like I get to take care of all the drunk Bro-sketeers tonight."  Nakano moved to put her arm around Bokuto on the other side from Tsukki.  "Come on, Athos.  Porthos is already tucked in, now it's your turn," the girl said, getting the two boys moving again.  

"Did you tuck Kuroo-bro in, Naka-chan?" Bokuto queried.  The girl hummed in the affirmative.  "I wanna be tucked in too!  Will you guys tuck me in?"

"That's what we're doing, Bokuto.  Do you want to change before you get into bed?  Tsukki can help you if you need it," Nakano said, opening the door to the guest bedroom where Bokuto was going to be sleeping.  Maybe, she thought, watching in amusement as Bokuto staggered forward to the bed and Tsukki, suddenly no longer having to work at holding up the Boku-bro, lurched sideways.  Nakano reached out to catch him, pulling him gently closer to her.  He leaned into her body, an arm slipping around her shoulders to help steady himself.  "You alright there, love?"

"Never better, Naka-chan," Tsukki said, grinning broadly and nuzzling against his girl.

"I don't wanna sleep in my pants, can I take them off?" Bokuto asked, hand already attempting to undo the button on his jeans.

"Woah, there, bro, not in front of my girl, okay?" Tsukki stepped forward to stop the owl.  "Come on, let's let you change in the bathroom.  Be right back, Naka-chan."  Tsukki started leading Bokuto out of the room, when Nakano stopped them, handing Tsukki a pair of shorts she found in Bokuto's bag.  "Better take these with you, boys.  Or else just let him drop trou here, it will all be the same."

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