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Riley's POV 

I walked into Lost & Found the next morning on the hunt for James. I wanted to at least check if the flowers from him. I wasn't going to make his mistake and keep this a secret if it isn't James
"Hey" I said going and sitting with him on the sofa in the BullPen
"What's up?" He asked smiling at me
"What are you doing tonight?" I asked
"what time? I've got practice with the band until 10" he said making me furrow my eyebrows
"Right" I replied trying to figure out who it was then
"What's up Ri" He asked gently stroking my back
"Someone sent flowers to my house last night with a not saying to meet them in Studio A at 8pm" I replied and James' eye instantly turned dark and he sat up straight
"Who sent you flowers" He asked and I shrugged. At this point his guess was a good as mine
"I'm gonna kill him" He continued and I laughed
"You don't even know who it is" I replied
"Doesn't matter, bet your ass I'll figure it out" He said standing up, I chuckled standing up with him. James went to take a step forward but I rolled my eyes pulling him back making James look at me worried
"What are you doing Riley? This is not okay" he said making me smile
"Is someone jealous?" I smirked making him narrow his eyes at me
"Me Jealous?" James asked
"Oh your not? Guess I'll go meet this guy at 8pm then" I smirked walking away, as soon I had taken 2 steps, James arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back in
"Thought you weren't jealous" I replied as we placed out foreheads together
"I'm not" He whispered
"So I can go?" I asked and James shook his head
"Then admit it" I whispered, James' big brown eyes looking at me with this hint of vulnerability and I loved it
"Maybe I was a little jealous" He whispered millimeters away from our lips touching
"Yo James!" Theo said making both of us pull away, we turned to look at Theo
"I sense.. I sense I'm interrupting something" He said tapping his chin, I looked back at James and chuckled
"I've got to go anyway" I replied and James sighed
"no dating please!" He called after me making me laugh more


James' POV

"Please don't hit me!" I warned Michelle as she came and joined us on the stage later that night
"Oh look James! Hello!" She said acting as weird as ever, I soften up and looked at her
"Hi?" I asked and she smiled
"So um guys, is the plan still a go?" she whispered as if I can't hear her?
"What plan? Michelle what are you up to?" I asked, she shot me that look. The look she gave me yesterday and I quickly turned away acting as if I hadn't seen anything
"Yeah, we did everything our side of things" Luke said and Michelle clapped
"perfect!" She said before finally walking away.
I turned back around to come face to face with the boys. They would be a lot easier to crack if I took this one by one
"Theo my man! How about we go get some coffee" I suggested flinging my arm around his shoulder
"No no no" Luke said grabbing Theo making him stay put
Touché Luke. Touché 

I looked at the clock to see it was nearing 8pm, I know Riley said she wouldn't go but I couldn't help but wonder who it was. Who would be trying to get Riley to go on a date with them? I mean I can't blame but like hell am I going to let that happen
"Guys, can we take a break?" I asked and all the boys nodded. I walked out of the stage and headed upstairs to The Next Step. 
As I did, it was all dark, most of the lights were off except Riley's Corner. Her's were still on.
"Hey" I said knocking on the door. Riley was stood in there sorting through some paperwork. She got changed out of her dance clothes which made me realise she was waiting on me
"Are you boys finished already?" She asked looking at the clock, I shook my head. Sadly not
"No just a small break. I was curious on who your date was?" I said making her chuckle
"Is that your way of saying you want to go see who showed up?" She asked. 
God this girl knows me so well
"wanna comeeeee?" I asked making her roll her eyes
"Do I want to come on to spy on the date I'm meant to be on?" Riley asked and I nodded
"Meh sure why not" she chuckled, I walked over to her offering my hands to help her up off of the floor 
After the small walk to Studio A, the lights were dimmed but the chandelier was lit and in the centre of the room was a table with two chairs, similar to all the dates I've taken Riley on in this room
"Someone is stealing my method" I pouted making her chuckle
"The did everything by the book in your eyes, candles, dinner, and even" Riley started
"A rose" I replied smiling at it. I picked it up handing it to Riley
"Do you remember the last time you gave me a single Rose?" She smiled and I nodded confidently 
"It was the same night Luke sung Brave. It was the night before I left for London" I smiled, God how things have changed 

"nobody is here though?" Riley said bringing us both back to reality. I nodded looking around too 
"I don't get it" Riley laughed, I was about to agree with her before Michelle and the boys walked in
"You guys showed up!" Michelle smiled, I looked over at Riley who looked just as confused as I did
"What is this Michelle?" Riley laughed
"Well you see, considering everything that's happened recently, we thought it might be nice for you two to have an evening to yourselves. Kind of rekindle all the old feelings" She smirked
"you sent the flowers?" Riley asked and Michelle shook her head
"That would be us" Theo said
"We told Theo to knock on the door but he said it would give it all way" Luke said rolling his eyes
"Good thing Emily came over last night then, or those flowers would be dead"Riley laughed
"Now go and enjoy you night guys. Have fun" John smiled. It meant a lot that he helped with this
"Not too much fun though! Don't want any Jiley babies yet" Michelle said pointing between Riley and I
"Shall we?" I asked and Riley smiled. It was the purest smile I've seen from her in a while
"We shall" She replied sitting in the seat I had just pulled out for her

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