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James' POV

It was Monday morning, I knew it was Riley's first day back at TNS so I picked up an extra shift at Lost and Found so I could be there if she needed, How ever by the looks of her newest Instagram, she's started to feel better about what ever is going on 

It was Monday morning, I knew it was Riley's first day back at TNS so I picked up an extra shift at Lost and Found so I could be there if she needed, How ever by the looks of her newest Instagram, she's started to feel better about what ever is go...

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Riley_Ray: You might feel worthless to one person, but be priceless to another.

Don't ever forget your worth.Spend time with those who value you.

I smiled, she's growing again and it's incredible to see. I don't know what happened back in New York but whatever it is, she knows we are all here to catch her now

"mm! James!" Mr T called as I walked passed the door to his office
"Yooo!" I replied walking in
"Miss Kate needs you to head over there to help find some music for A-Troupe. That okay?" He asked and I nodded
The Next Step and Lost & Found are very tight knit, to the point any music we create here heads to them first for their competitions. I wish we had this place during my time of A-Troup
I smiled and said my goodbye's to Mr T before heading back into The Next Step.

As soon as I walked into Studio A, I could see Miss Kate choregraphing in the mirror, most likely waiting for the Troupe to show up
"James" She smiled coming over and hugging me
"Hey Miss Kate" I smiled hugging her back
"I'm so glad Mr T could spare you today!" She chimed
"well it was an extra shift since I know Ri started today. I wanted to be around just in case" I said to her making her smile
I think out of everyone, Miss Kate has always been mine and Riley's biggest fan
"You are such a sweetheart. She is actually working on a Hip Hop piece for her teen class tonight if you fancy helping her?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows
"Sure. Where is she?" I asked
Miss Kate smiled before pointing to the music room. I rolled my eyes as I saw her gush at any smile that came on my face
With in a matter of seconds I was in the room with Riley but she was still unaware of my presence 
"Okay so, 1 and 2 and 3" she said doing a pretty decent combo. Riley has always classed Hip hop as one of her favourite types of dance but she has majorly stepped up her game
"That looks great" I said making her jump and turn around
"Can you quit doing that! I don't fancy having a heart attack!" She whined making me laugh
"Miss Kate sent me to lend a hand" I smiled walking in, she looked at me a little confused
"am I already doing so bad that I need help?" she timidly asked and I shook my head
"no no not at all. I just had a free morning so she thought it would be nice that's all" I replied


Riley's POV 

James and I had been working on this piece for well over an hour now and I couldn't be prouder of it. Honestly I think James and I have always working great as a team when it comes to dance. I'm glad that time hasn't changed that part
We had just finished a run through when we heard the music room door open
"Pipes!" James smiled as she came rushing in, I thought she was rushing in to hug James but I was pleasantly surprised when her small arms wrapped around me first
"I heard you were back" She chimed giving me an extra squeeze, I smiled hugging her back
"Hey Piper" I chuckled before looking over at James who would a little bit taken back
"I've missed you!" She squealed making both James and I smile
"I've missed you too P" I replied. P has always been my nickname for Piper back when James and I first started dating and it just kind of stuck
"You have to come over soon! Mum would love to have you round for tea" She smiled finally pulling away and then hugging her brother
"I'm sure I can arrange that" I replied with a smile
"Am I invited to or?" James asked and Piper shrugged
"I guess, if you must" Piper replied. I completely forgot that James had moved out, that must be really weird 
"How long are you back for?" Piper asked with her soft expression filling with hope the more we spoke
"For as long as you guys will have me, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon" I smiled making her squeal before hugging me again
"Piper we have rehearsals" A tall blonde said, I turned to look at him. He is all over Piper's Instagram too
"P who is this then?" I asked, I looked at James who was glaring, something must be going on
"Riley, this is Finn. My boyfriend" Piper said poking her tongue out at her brother
"Finn this is Riley!" Piper said making Finn's eyes widen slightly before offering me his hand to shake
"The famous Riley, I've heard a lot about you from their entire family. Nice to finally meet the woman who's standards I'm having to live up to" He chuckled making me laugh too
"Well I'm glad to hear that you are meeting those expectations" I replied looking at James and if looks could kill, Finn would be dead
"Don't worry about him" I said nudging James to pack it in
"James, will there ever be a day you like me?" Finn asked and James confidently shook his head
"Yes there will be. Just give him time. He still clearly likes acting like a child" I said scolding James
"Hey!" He groaned
"We better be going but Tea soon yeah?" Piper asked and I nodded as I watched the two kids run out of here hand in hand

I looked at James again with my eyebrows raised
"Really James?" I asked and he rolled his eyes
"I don't like him" He muttered
"And why is that?" I asked
"Because Piper is my baby sister" she grumbled and I chuckled
"She isn't a baby anymore James, let her grow" I replied and he shook his head
"Hey, if Emily didn't let me grow and hang out with you, we would have never happened" I said taking a sip of my water
"That's different" He mumbled and I shook my head this time
"No it isn't" I replied
"What if he hurts her, like I hurt you?" he then asked making me look at him
"you made a mistake, we both moved past it. Yes it hurt me but it also helped me grow. You can't wrap Piper in bubble wrap her entire life. She needs to make mistakes, she needs to shed some tears but at the end of the day, she'll know her big brother is there to catch her when she falls. That is the biggest thing you can offer her" I said smiling. James knew I was right whether he wanted to admit it or not  

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