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Tonight was the night, the night I plucked up the courage. I had it planned that I was going to do it the night all of this happened so what better time to make up for it? Am I right?

"James what are we doing?" Riley laughed as we headed through the park she had shown me around on our first day here
"Do you remember what I told you growing up?" I asked and she smiled at me
"It depends on what thing you are talking about? We've known each other long enough to have a few lines you could be talking about" She said and I smiled taking her hand intertwining it with me
"Whenever you hit a rough patch, it would be what I would say to calm you down" I offered and Riley smiled again

"It might take a day, it might take a year but what ever is meant to be will be?" Riley asked and I nodded
"The day I met you Ri, I knew you were something special whether that be because you were everyone's little sister without even trying or maybe it was the fact you weren't falling for my usual tricks" I laughed making her chuckle
"You were a ladies man, what can I say" She said smiling at me as we continued to walk
"But something that day was pulling me in. I don't know what it was but I was prepared to throw everything away for just the chance with you" I smiled making her look in my direction
"Now look at us" She chuckled
I smiled quickly twirling her around before pulling her in close

"You are one of the strongest people I've ever met, do you know that?" I asked and she smiled
"I think you've mentioned it here and there" She said before pressing our lips together
"But I wouldn't have made it even half this way without you James" She smiled kissing my again
In that moment, I knew tonight was the night..


Riley and I got back to the rental and Riley headed upstairs for a bath. I knew in that moment I had a little bit of time to get everything set up
I wasn't going to go with my original plan because I do not want to bring up any bad memories with Lucas but regardless.. This needed to be perfect

An hour had passed and it was all set up. It was perfect and I couldn't have even planned anything better, I won't lie. I deserve a pat on the back

"James?" Riley called walking out into the garden, I had it all decked out with the table and chairs set up, roses everywhere. You don't even want to know how I got roses here so quickly, if New York has taught me one thing, it's that you can get anything delivered to your door
"What is this?" She smiled looking around
"It's a date" I smiled back
"Why? You didn't need to do this James" She said coming over to me
"I wanted to. I figured after the week we had had. You deserved this" I smiled looking around before guiding Riley over the table 
"this is beautiful" she smiled as we started to eat our dinner

"Do you remember our first date?" I asked and Riley nodded
"I remember when I first saw it I was a little harsh. I didn't understand why you made it in Studio A" She smiled
"and now?" I asked
"Now I know it's because its where we met, it's where a lot of our firsts happened" She smiled and I nodded
"That's why it became a tradition to do everything there" I said making her chuckle
"Like most other dates, our anniversary" Riley started to list making me smile

"Now it wouldn't be a James date without a slow dance" I smiled making her laugh before getting up off of her chair
As she walked towards me, I could see her in a way I don't think I had ever. She was at peace, she was perfectly happy and most of all she was beautiful
"I remember telling my mum about you" I said making Riley look up at me as we danced
"Yeah?" She asked and I nodded
"My mum knew you were going to be my person, she knew that we weren't going to be a silly high school relationship" I smiled 
"My mum said the same thing" Riley said 
"Emily on the other hand" She chuckled making me laugh 

"We haven't had an easy ride Riley, I regret every single ounce of pain I've ever put you through but I'd like to think that everything else we've done trumps all of that" I smiled and she smiled back
"You grounded me, you turned me from this ladies man to the guy I am today. The one who knows that you are the only girl for him" I continued 

"I choose you Ri, and I'll choose you again and again, without a shadow of a doubt. It'll always be you" I said making Riley smile widely as the song came to an end
"I love you" Riley said making me press my lip against her in one of the softest kisses we've ever shared
"I love you" I replied making her smile pecking my lips again


"how on earth did you get roses here?" Riley laughed looking around as we headed back to the table
I knew it was now or never
"Go take a closer look Riley, I think you'll love them" I said 
"I can see them already James" She giggled
"gooo" i whined making her roll her eyes before heading over to the roses

A couple moments passed and I could see Riley pick up one Rose in particular, I knew she had found it. The thing I had left to go get when this all happened
I got down on one knee preparing for Riley to turn around 
And best believe when she did, she was on the verge of tears

"I'll be honest with you Riley, I don't have my life planned out, I don't know what the future holds for me or for us but one think I do know is I wouldn't want to try and figure this out without anyone else" I said making her tears fall
"I want to spend the rest of my life living my life with you by my side. Will you Marry me?" I asked making Riley smile through the tears before rushing over to me

The second she was close enough she crashed our lips together
"Is that a yes?" i asked with a chuckle as we pulled away
"Yes James" She smiled crashing our lips together again

The second she was close enough she crashed our lips together"Is that a yes?" i asked with a chuckle as we pulled away"Yes James" She smiled crashing our lips together again

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James_95: I think it's safe to say @Riley_Ray is stuck with me for a lifetime 🤍💍

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