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Riley's POV 

Today was the one day a week I get off. I have no classes, no One To One's. I can just relax at home and not have to worry about anything
Well besides the secret I know James is keeping from me
When I went to sleep last night, I had it in my head that I was overthinking it all and it was just me being anxious old Riley. But when I wake up to find that letter gone completely, I know that he is hiding something 

"Hey hey" Michelle calls as I walked into the Diner for lunch, I smiled making my way over to her
"Heyyyy" I smile hugging her
"How is my favourite couple" She asks instantly making my heart slump
"I don't know if I'm honest" I sighed making her look at me with worry
"What's up Riles?" Michelle asked
"I think James is hiding something from me" I replied earning an even more confused look from Michelle
"What do you mean?" She continued to ask
 "I have no idea, he's been acting off and had a strange letter arrive last night but then acted like it was nothing. But I woke up this morning and it was gone" I replied and Michelle's facial expression was just increasing as the conversation continued

"I don't think he's hiding something Riles, Have you tried talking to him about it?" Michelle asked and I happily nodded
"Whenever I ask him what's going on he usually replies with something like, nothing. I have you, the band, what else could I need or something like that" I replied
"I mean yeah, It's out of character for James but it's James. He's a strange one" Michelle teased and I rolled my eyes playfully
"I just thought we were past keeping things from each other. I thought we were more mature now and could talk to each other about anything.. After all I told him about George and Lucas and yet he's still hiding things?" I said starting to ramble
"Look Riley, you aren't going to get anywhere with overthinking it all" Michelle said stroking my arm to comfort me
"I know I know" I sighed 
Whatever was going on. I had to do it alone I guess...


A few hours had passed and I headed home, lunch with Michelle was great but I couldn't really enjoy myself too much when this nagging feeling in the back of my head was worried about what was to come. 
James I'm begging you whatever it is, please tell me 

I headed to the bedroom to pick up the dirty laundry so I could put a load on when I get to the jeans James was wearing last night
And sure enough, there in that back pocket was the envelope he told me was Mr T's Paperwork. He knows he's not allowed to bring that paperwork home
"I need to know" I mumbled to myself taking this envelope out of the pocket
I sat on the edge of the bed with it looking it over, it was addressed to James. Nothing about this was to do with Mr T, that much I do know..

After a sharp inhale, I opened the envelope. 
It was a contract. A contract for James..
He's leaving in 2 weeks..?


James' POV

"Alright! That was a great practice! But I better get going, I'm taking Ri out tonight" I smiled checking the time on my phone
"Send Riley our love" John replied making me nod and smile as we all walked to our cars
With in a matter of minutes I was home, I happily walked up the stairs to our flat
"Riiii" I called placing my keys down on the side
She was home, her keys were hung up and her heels by the door
"Riley?" I called again walking through the flat
"Babe?" I called opening the bedroom door

As I peered my head through, Riley was sat on the edge of the bed crying
"Woah what's wrong" I said rushing over to her, as soon as I got close Riley got up moving away from me
"don't touch me" She replied turning way
"Riley, talk to me what's wrong" I asked making Riley laugh through her tears
"Talk to me! That's rich James" She yelled
"What is going on?" I asked and Riley turned to face me finally 
And that is when I saw it, the documents that Emily had given me. The contract

"So when were you going to tell me you were leaving? Was I just going to wake up one day and you won't be there" She yelled throwing the paper at me
"Riley please let me explain" I begged but she shook her head pushing her hair out of her face
"In order for this relationship to work James! We need to communicate! It can't be one sided all the damn time. I tell you as soon as something happens but you!" she yelled
"you wait for it to blow up, it's like you get some kind of kick out of seeing me cry" She yelled
"no Riley, I swear I was going to tell you" I said allowing some tears to fall down my face
"When James? the minute before you boarded your flight. After everything you're going to just pick up and leave? Without even talking to me about it!" She asked 
"No Riley, I'm not going. I'm staying" I replied and she shook her head
"If you weren't going James, why do you still have the contracts. Why did you lie to me about it all" She asked 
If I'm honest I don't have an answer
"I'm going to stay with Michelle tonight" Riley replied grabbing her carry on
"Riley please" I begged grabbing her arm, I looked at her face, it was almost red raw from the tears
"I can't do this right now James. If I stay here and we talk, we'll walk away saying things we regret" She whispered
"Please don't do this" I begged but she shook her head once more before leaving 

I wanted to chase after her but for some reason my whole body was frozen,
Frozen in fear
Petrified even
Please don't tell me I've lost her all over again...

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