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James' POV

"soooo, she's back?" Luke asked moments after Riley had left, I hummed in response as I nodded
"Does that mean you two are?" Theo then asked and I shook my head
"no it's not like that at all, she showed up at Michelle's the other night. I don't know what's happened or is going on but I'm not gonna push her to talk" I replied
"She does seem a little closed off" John replied
"Yeah, she seems to have gone back to doubting herself" I replied sighing
Riley has so much greatness to offer anyone and everyone, she just needs to rebuild her confidence
"Hey if it makes you write killer songs again, who are we to question" Theo said patting my shoulder
I rolled my eyes at him as we started practice

Riley's POV

I walked into The Next Step to see Miss Kate sat in her office, I felt this wave of worry come over me. What if she can't hire me, better yet why would she? All I have under my belt is Dance..
Turning around to head back out the door, it was too late
"Riley!" Miss Kate called making it known I couldn't run away now, I put on my favourite fake smile before turning to her
"Heyyy" I nervously laughed walking into her office fully
"To what do we owe this pleasure?" She asked
"I have something to ask you actually" I replied earning a smile from her, she motioned for me to take a seat as she closed the door behind me
"what can I be of help with?" She asked
"Well since I'm back living here permanently, I need to look for a job and well James suggested asking you" I replied fiddling with my fingers. I slowly looked up at her see her smiling ear to ear
"Oh Riley! Of course I have something for you, I could use a second pair of hands for all the classes. It's hard running all of them and A-Troupe since Phoebe left" She replied
"Are you sure? oh my god" I said rising to my feet hugging her, he moved around a little during the hug making her laugh more before we pulled away
"Riley, I've watched you grow from the little baby in baby ballet all the way to winning Internationals with your special person. It's been a pleasure watching you grow up into this beautiful woman! I would be more then proud to have you on staff here! At the end of the day where would I be without my Get-It-Done-Girl!" she chimed only making me smile more
"When can I start?" I asked
"Well I have A-Troupe in on Monday while I also have 6 classes on, think you could handle the classes?" She asked and I frantically nodded
When we were on A-Troupe, we would be the ones to run the classes if Miss Kate needed extra hands but I remember how draining that was alongside rehearsal. I would be more then happy to take that off of A-Troupe's back


"To the new Miss Riley" James cheered as we all sat in a bar with the band, Michelle, Eldon and West
"It's not that big of a deal" I replied making him roll his eyes
"For once in your life Riley. Will you accept some praise" he replied making me chuckle lightly
I tapped his glass with mine as everyone began to laugh at us

For the first time in forever it felt like old times, James and his band were here laughing and joking with us, Michelle and I were showing the boys up on the dancefloor. Eldon was turning like his life depended on it while West sat back and enjoyed the drama
"You seem happier then first night you came home" Michelle nudging me, I looked at her and smiled
"Thats because I am happier" I replied with a smile
"I'm glad Riley. This place is and always will be your home" She said wrapping her arm around me
As we continued to talk we heard none other then one of the boys' song
I looked to James knowing exactly what song it was 
"Look at that" He said coming over taking my hand while Michelle followed us back onto the dance floor 
"Your big brown eyes I can't stop staring" Theo yelled trying to be heard over the music. I smiled at everyone as James started moving with me to the music while he sung along too
"I wanna see the world with you, come on take me by the hand" He said spinning me making me laugh along with him
"What's better then us? Better then us? We don't want to know" He said pulling me close as we continued to move 
"You roll your shorts and bite your nails. You know" He started before I joined in
"Opposites attract" I sung with him causing him to smile more 
"We had our ups and downs, but we always seem to make it through the day. You always bring me round, We're gonna make it anyway" He both sung as our foreheads touched making us both smile
"Don't even worry about it you'll understand, I wanna see the world with you, the way you go out we follow" James sung as we continued to dance
"What's better then us?" I asked
"Better then us?" He replied
"We don't want to know" We both said smiling before everyone else started to jump around us causing us to pull a part a little
That song brings back so much. Things were easy back then, our biggest worry was James juggling the band and Internationals. Now I'm on the run from my abuser and he's living his best life. How did things get so toxic 

TheBand_LFS: We had a monumental moment tonight! Our song played in a bar we were all at, it just happened to be the song James wrote for his Anniversary with Miss Riley! Two crazy kids in love created something Beautiful!Who knows what is next in...

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TheBand_LFS: We had a monumental moment tonight! Our song played in a bar we were all at, it just happened to be the song James wrote for his Anniversary with Miss Riley! Two crazy kids in love created something Beautiful!
Who knows what is next in store for this iconic duo ;)


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