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"Piper will you calm the hell down" I said, I had called iper to go check on Riley this morning seeing as she hasn't answered any calls last night
I was worried
Actually I think worried would be an understatement 

But Piper's freak out.. not helping

"James she isn't here! She isn't at the studio! Where is she?" She practically screamed
"Piper! If I knew where she was, I wouldn't be getting you to look for her now would I" I said making her quiten for a second
"Now go upstairs to our bedroom" I ordered
"Ew, why?" She asked making me roll my eyes
"Piper just do it" I said before hearing her start to walk up the stairs

"Yo James, sound check!" Luke said coming into the room at the back
"no, not right now. I have bigger things" I said making him look at me confused
"What's going on?" he asked
"Nobody can find Riley" I said making him widen his eyes slightly
"Alright i'm in here now what?" Piper asked
"Careful James, your room is clean" she teased making me chuckle

"Open the wardrobe, tell me what you see?" I asked while hearing the door to the wardrobe open
"A bunch of clothes?" she asked
"on the floor, there should be 2 suitcases?" I asked and Piper started to rummage 
"nope, no suitcases" she said 
"Oh no" She said realising that it meant Riley had them 

My next port of call would be to track her phone but she turned her location off a couple minutes before ignoring my calls
"Piper, can you go home now and get Dad to call me?" I asked
"Okay but James?" Piper asked making me hum in response
"She's gonna be okay right?" She asked and I sighed
"Lord I hope so.." I said 


Part of me wants to have faith that Riley's just gone to stay with Em or her parents but at the same time, why would she be ignoring everyone's calls? Why would Em and her parents also have no idea where she is.
Piper is getting Dad to call me while she then goes to ask around Miss Kate and George to see if they've heard anything 

As of right now, Riley is in the wind. We don't know where she is, why she's gone or if she is coming back
It just doesn't make sense?
I really wish I could say she was coming to see me but it just doesn't add up, why wouldn't she tell a soul? Why would she just up and leave? 
This isn't like Ri..

The last time I was this worried.. Lucas got a hold of her.



"Hi, can I have a room for one please?" I asked the lady at the front desk, after a long bus ride. I was here 
Here isn't really known, I have never been in this place before and I can't help but think that coming here may have been a mistake
"Alright, here you go!" She said handing me a key
"Enjoy your stay with us" She smiled making me nod as I headed to the elevator 

I got to the hotel room and instantly put all my bags by the dressed before laying down on the bed. It's been a whole 24 hours since I spoke to anyone, I can't help but think about how worried they must all be but this needed to be done

They'll all understand eventually right?

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