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Riley's POV

"Alright Juliet, that was superb. Next week we'll start working on your next piece okay?" I asked the small blonde stood in front of m
Juliet was the first child I started doing one to ones with and I've learned through her where I go wrong with my teaching, she's been my little guinea pig the entire time but it's obvious this kind of practice is what works for the best of us
"Look at you" A Voice said making me smile at their sound. I would know that voice anywhere
"Em" I smiled rushing over to hug her, she instantly hugged me back
"I've missed you Riles" She cooed making me smile more
"I've missed you too Ems" I replied

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Well actually, I needed your help with something. Well more I need James' help but it'll come better from you" She laughed
"Sure, he should be in the recording booth with the boys, lets go" I smiled interlocking our arms as we walked with a little kick in our step

As we walked into the recording Studio, sure enough. All the boys were there but they were sat around talking instead of actually using their time wisely
"How productive of you lot" I said through the mic making them all look over at me smiling
"Hey!" Luke chuckled unlocking the door so Emily and I could walk in
"Emily, it's been a while" James smiled
Truth be told, I know for a fact this pair kept in touch, their silly dynamic of constant teasing was something they both secretly loved no matter how openly Emily disses it
"I need to talk to you about something" She smiled, James looked at all of us before turning to Emily
"Let's go" He replied getting off of his drums and following Emily out
"Any idea about that?" I asked and they all shook their head


"Like I said, I'll think about it Emily" I hear James say coming back in with Emily, his tone a little annoyed
"Everything okay?" I asked and the pair nodded, I narrowed my eyes at them both knowing that there was clearly something going on
"What are you plans for the rest of the day Em?" I asked
"I was about to ask you the same thing" She replied
"I'm done for the day, my last three one to ones are out with the flu" I smiled
"Sorted then" Emily smiled
"Please return her this evening" James joked kissing my cheek
"Maybe James, maybe" Emily teased making me roll my eyes 

James' POV

Emily's offer was incredible. I don't know how I'm ever going to turn that down. It's been a long time since something like that has ever been offered to us. Yet here I am, debating not even going
"I'm home" I hear Riley call
"I'm in the bedroom" I called back seeing it was already 10pm, Riley and Emily have been out for hours
"Hey" Riley said poking her head through the bedroom door
"Hey you" I smiled, god I've missed her
"How was the rest of practice" She asked coming over and kissing me
"It was great, how was hanging out with Em" He asked and Riley smiled

"It was nice, I've missed having her around" She replied taking off her shoes
"Now the big question is what is this secret" Riley asked coming into bed cuddling up to me
"What secret?" I asked, I couldn't tell Riley. Not like this, not this way
"Don't play dumb" She chuckled laying her head on my chest
"It's a surprise" I replied kissing the top of her head
I know I should tell her, I know that if I don't it'll make the matter worse but at the same time, I don't want to break her heart again. I don't think either of us can get through that

"I love you" Riley said leaning up to kiss me
"I love you too" I replied happily kiss her
There is so much in life, I'm unsure about. But one thing I know is true, is that Riley is and always will be the love of my life
No opportunity or offer would ever change that.
It's me and her until the end. I just have to break the news to Emily and put this all behind me

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