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Riley's POV

Court was back in session and Lucas was back on the stand
"Are you ready for the hard topics?" My Lawyer asked as we all sat down, I looked at James who offered me a supportive smile
"Yes" I said as he nodded before heading over to Lucas 

"Okay Mr Daniels, let's continue. After you finally managed to get in contact with Riley. What happened" he asked
"Her boy toy over there came to my hotel room and threatened me" He said glaring at James
"And why would he do that?" He asked
"Because he listened to Riley's lies and ate them up like a little puppy" Lucas said making me look at James, he seemed completely unphased by the words being spat at him
"But are they really lies Mr Daniels? why would you be so hostile and threatening in some messages if you weren't trying to keep a reason under wraps?" My Lawyer asked making me smile 
We had Lucas right where we wanted him 

"Moving on. Is it correct that Miss Raymond had a restraining order against you?" My lawyer asked making the Judge raise his brow
"Yes" Lucas replied
"Then why on earth did you end up in her apartment the night you abducted her" My lawyer asked catching him right out
"I don't know what you mean" He said trying to brush passed it
"Evidence 5 ladies and gentlemen" My Lawyer said showing the CCTV from my front door to the building
"Is this your Mr Daniels?" My Lawyer asked making Lucas look at the screen before stammering again
"Yes" he said 
"Members of the jury, this photo was taken from Miss Raymonds security system. 15 minutes before Miss Raymond came home" He said 

"Now if we watch the video for Evidence number 6" My Lawyer said bringing it up
"You can see James left the apartment complex at 4:03pm" he said
"Mr Daniels arrived at 4:08" He continued
"and then Miss Raymond arrived at 4:23" He finished
"If you continue watching at precisely 4:47, both Mr Daniels left with a distressed Miss Raymond being held at knife point" He said pausing the video at the perfect point

"Riley" James whispered, his eyes almost watering
"Hey hey, it's okay James, I'm here I'm okay" I whispered back placing my hand on his cheek.
"I'm so sorry" He whispered gripping my hand
I kissed his cheek before turning back to the ongoing court case

"Now Mr Daniels. When you got back to New York with Miss Raymond, you took her back to your apartment is that correct?" My Lawyer asked making him nod
"At what point did you move her?" he asked
"I er" Lucas stuttered
"When friends came over is that correct?" My lawyer asked making Lucas nod
"Did you ever have the intention to let Miss Raymond go?" He asked making both James and I look in his direction. 

Lucas' eyes were drawn to me creating this unbreakable eye contact
"No" He said confidently making my breath hitch
The second those words were muttered, James wrapped both arms around me. He wasn't going to let him anywhere near me
I was safe regardless but I was safer in his arms

"Why not?" My lawyer asked but Lucas didn't reply he continued to stay at me
"Why not Mr Daniels!" My Lawyer said a bit more assertive
"Because she was going to run away again!" He snapped breaking the eye contact
"If I had let her leave she would have run back to Toronto and would have forgotten all about me, all about the promises we once made. All the fucking plans we had" He yelled making my lawyer raise a brow at him

"So what was your plan for her Mr Daniels" He asked and Lucas looked at him this time
"I was going to keep her there until she learnt to love me again" He said and I looked at James who's eyes had darken the more the Lucas spoke
"I was going to make her love me again" He said 
"No further questions your honour" My Lawyer said coming to join us 
"Defense?" The Judge asked making Lucas' lawyer shake his head allowing him to leave the stand 

"Okay Prosecution, you have one witness is that correct?" The judge asked making my lawyer nod
"Yes your honour" he said 
"Alright who would you like to call to the stand" The judge asked
"Nathan Matthews" He said making my jaw drop a little just like Lucas' did.
We all turned to watch as Nathan walked in, he offered me a smile and a wink before heading straight to the stand 
"It's about to be game over for Lucas" I whispered to James making him smile
"I think it already is" He whispered back making me look at Lucas who had head in his hands

"Mr Matthews, am I correct in saying you are a friend of Mr Daniels?" My lawyer asked
"I used to be" He said looking at Lucas
"Care to elaborate?" He asked making Nathan nod
"Lucas and I grew up together, I watched him miss treat plenty of woman but Riley, Riley was different. He took it to a new standard with her, it's almost like he had an obsession with her and an unhealthy one at that" Nathan started before turning to me
"But Riley, she's a fighter. We all knew she wouldn't go down without one" He smiled

"You say that Mr Daniels has mistreated people in the past, what do you mean?" My lawyer asked
"It started off as small petty stuff. He used to control old girlfriends with what they could eat and then when Riley came around he controlled her every move" Nathan said 
"So would you say that Mr Daniels was abusive towards Miss Raymond?" He asked and Nathan quickly nodded

"Hell yes. I can tell you the date we all first started noticing it. Riley started to cover up more in class and the first time I found out about the physical abuse was when I did a lift with Riley. The second I touched her stomach to catch her she whined in pain causing us both to fall" He said
I remember that day like yesterday.. That was in fact the morning after the first swing

"no further questions your honour" My Lawyer said making his way back to us
"We've got him" he smiled as he took a seat next to me. Lord I hope we've got this  

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