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Riley' POV

Did I do something in a previous life that results in me having to go through this? 
Whatever I did, I'm so sorry
This torture is way too much to handle
Everyone is so close to me, just meters away yet none of them have even thought of looking in here
I mean who would...

It's a locked door with a warning signs all over it not to enter due to the structure issue
Yet again, Lucas out smarted all of us, it's like he knew they were coming. 
I mean he moved me because of Nathan's arrival but how did the police know where to come?
"You're telling me she isn't here?" An officer said the next morning, he sounded almost as defeated as I feel
"We've searched top to bottom" Another officer replied
"That isn't good enough, I want every part of this building turned upside down and after that we'll be knocking on everyone's damn door until we find that girl!" He yelled
"We will find her! Got it!" he continued to yell 
I don't know who he is but he is the only hope I have right now, he is the only thing that is keeping my eyes open
The moment they shut I know it'll go downhill from there

With every door slam, every foot step this place became more and more unstable, I had been hit in the head around 12 times at this point, one piece of cement cut my leg and that hasn't stopped bleeding. There isn't anything I can do, I've screamed, I've cried out, I'm burnt myself trying to get out of these ropes. Now I'm a sitting duck waiting to die or to be saved. There isn't an in between

James' POV

Riley's parents and I were currently sitting in the New York Police station. We were advised not to come out but all of us knew we couldn't just sit at home waiting
"I'm going to need you all to come with me" An officer said making us all look at him confused
"Why" John asked and before the officer said anything, the side door opened revealing Lucas in the arms of three officers

As soon as my eyes set on him they turned dark and I pounced towards him before John stood in my way alongside an officer
"Where is she!" I yelled at him only getting his psychotic laugh from him
"If you've hurt her I swear to god I'll kill you" I yelled still trying to get over to him
"Oh the things I've done to her James, She'll never be able to get my off of her skin" He said licking his lips as the officers continued trying to pull him away
"I'm going to fucking kill you" I said finally getting past John and the first officer 
But I was soon grabbed by another as Lucas was pulled into a corridor behind a locked door

I walked over to the wall closest to me punching it before John and Paula came over, John patted my back while Paula held the hand that had just punched the wall
"We all want her back James but antagonising him like that only makes his fantasy more pleasing" John said, I knew he was right 
But god as soon as I saw that dirty ass smirk on his face
"What if he's hurt her" I cried, I turned to Paula who automatically took me into a hug
"She's going to be okay" She whispered rubbing my back
I'm praying she is
But our next issue is, Lucas is here.. So how is Riley going to get food or water?

"He isn't giving anything up" An officer said coming over to us, I groaned again
"Let me talk to him" I said and they all looked at me and I knew they weren't going to let that happen
"Please, put and officer in with me. I'll behave I swear" I begged, they all looked amongst each other before sighing
"It's the only damn hope we have! You saw how he reacted to me! I can get him to slip up. All I need is 5 Minutes" I begged
"Alright, 5 minutes but you'll have 2 officers with you" the officer said and I nodded
Lucas. Your ass is mine buddy.

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