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James' POV 

"Ri, what is wrong?" I asked as we got to Riley's Corner, she began to pace before I grabbed her shoulder making her stop, she looked like she was on the verge of tears
"What is going on?" I asked again but instead of a reply I sighed opening my arms knowing she could probably use a hug right now
"Who is he?" I asked after placing a gentle kiss on her head
"it's a long story, one I didn't realise I would ever need to explain" She whispered hugging me tightly
"Riley It's me, you can talk to me" I said, I felt Riley take a big sigh before pulling away, she took her hands into mine
"When I tell you this please know, I was in a bad place okay?" She asked tucking a piece of hair behind her hair before looking up at me
"Nothing you could tell me would make me think any differently of you" I replied and she sighed nodding

We both walked over to the bench at the side of the room, one we had had many conversations on in the past. Never this kind of conversation though
"It was about 2 weeks into me being in New York. I was still heartbroken over you and finding someone new was the last thing on my mind" She said still holding my hand tightly
"I would constantly spend my evenings either in my room or in the dance studio that was my place to focus" She said
That doesn't surprise me. It's how Riley has always been
"One night I saw you had posted something on Instagram, i think it was just something to do with the boys night out or something and it sent me down hill" She continued
"knowing you were out single in the world and would have girls falling at your feet. I couldn't take the thought so I agreed to go out with my roommate. We went to a few bars and then ended up in some guys dorm" She said closing her eyes tightly
"I was paraletic, I don't even remember any single part of it. I'm pretty certain I wasn't even conscious" She whispered
"Riley" I said making her look up at me
"You don't need to say any more if you don't want to. I think I'm getting the punch line" I replied
"And he'll feel the punchline if he tries anything" I continued through gritted teeth
"The worst part is I don't know exactly what happened" She said bowing her head again
"Ri, I love you and whatever happened that night isn't going to change that but I can promise you one thing. You probably don't ever want to know what happened" I said cuping her cheek

Seeing her brown eyes brimming with tears is enough to break my every single damn time. I don't know this George character and I don't care to know either
"If anything happens you have to promise to tell me" I replied and Riley frantically nodded
"Ever since he walked through the door this morning you were the only person I wanted to talk to hence why I gave Miss Kate the bullshit story of showing him around" She said
"What is he even doing at The Next Step?" I asked
"he's taking over my classes so I can do more One to Ones and so I have time to choreograph for internationals next year" Riley replied with a genuine smile on her face
"you're going to be choreographing for Internationals? For A-Troupe?" I exclaimed as I watched her eyes light up with glee
"Will you help me though? My choreo is always better with you" She smiled
"Of course I will Ri" I said pressing out lips together again
Today was a big step for Riley, whether she knows what happened or not. Speaking out about it first was the best thing she could have done
But I promise you now George. Put one foot out of place
And i have thousands of people prepared to dig your grave

Riley's POV

James and I walked back into Lost & Found to see the boys still with George sat around the BullPen
"This dude is talented" Theo said making James grip on my hand tighten
"He could give you a run for your money with dance James" Luke said tapping James
"That I doubt" I muttered taking a seat in between James and Luke.
"Last time I checked Riley I was the best in our class" George said smugly
"Yeah and if anyone at the Next Step were in that class, you would have easily been put in your place" I replied making the boys all makes noises while James snaked his arms around my waist
"Toronto Riley is different to New York Riley" George said looking me up and down
"New York Riley was heartbroken" I replied because it was true, there was no point of New York where I was happy
"What's so special about here?" George asked
"Oh buddy, buckle up" Theo said patting his shoulder
"The Next Step and Lost & Found hold more talent then you have in your pinky finger" I replied looking him dead in his baby blues
"Riley calm down, I'm just messing" George said, I sighed leaning back into James' arms
"So you are the lucky guy then?" George asked looking at James, everyone elses gaze moved to James to
"Huh?" He asked
"the one who stole her heart from the little age of 15" George said raising an eyebrow
"Oh yeah" James replied
"Credit it to you man. I couldn't do it for that long" George teased
"Well there is something special about Ri" James replied smiling at me. As soon as I saw that smile I couldn't help but feel more comfortable. James was there, nothing was going to happen? Right?  

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