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James' POV

Riley and I are back on speaking terms and I couldn't be happier, I have a lot to make up for and I don't doubt for a second that I will manage to do it. Riley and I have come back after a lot of crap, in a matter of months this is going be nothing but a shitty memory
"Hey mannn" Eldon said coming into the green
"What's up?" I asked. It's rare for Eldon to be on this side of town
"I had a question" He said sitting on the sofa, I chuckled sitting down with him
"You should be the last person I ask woman advice from though" Eldon said making me roll my eyes
"Dr James is now in session" I said nudging him
"Well you see, I've started talking to someone after a long time and I don't know it's kind of brought up some old feelings" He said, Thalia. It has to be Thalia
"You and Thalia should give it another shot" I said patting him on the shoulder
"How did you know?" He asked a little shocked
"Eldon bro, I know you like the back of my hand. You have your tells" I laughed
"What are they?" he asked and I chuckled
"If you are talking about Thalia, you avoid eye contact. If it's Emily you fiddle with your thumbs. Must I go on?" I asked 
"No I do not" He muttered
"Yo Ri, come here a second" I called seeing her walk out of Mr T's office. Riley happily walked and joined us in the green room
"Go on, ask Riley" I said smirking 
"About which part?" Eldon asked and I rolled my eyes
"Who is Eldon talking about" I asked making Riley chuckle and nod turning back to Eldon
"I started talking to someone again and i-" He started before Riley smirked
"Give Thalia another chance Eldon" Riley replied making me burst out laughing
"And what about this one?" I asked, I gave Eldon a look to talk about Emily
"I don't know, she's pretty?" Eldon said looking at me but he was still fiddling with his thumbs
"I'm sure Em would be flattered" Riley replied making Eldon narrow his eyes at both of us
"I don't like this, I don't like this at all" He said before getting up and walking out only making Riley and I laugh further

"How come you're in our territory then?" I asked Riley as she joined me on the sofa after making her a coffee
"I needed Mr T's help with something" she asked and I looked at her with confusion
"Something I couldn't help you with?" I asked and she nodded
"You're useful don't get me wrong but this occasion you couldn't help" She smiled
"What was it?" I asked and she chuckled
"Nice try James" She replied taking a sip out of her coffee
Riley and I sat here talking a little before the door of the greenroom opened showing the one person I think either of us wanted to see
Marie walked in smirking at me as she walked over to the coffee machine. I looked over at Riley who was shooting Marie her fair share of glares, I placed my arm around Riley's waist making her look back at me with a smile on her face
"So what do you have planned this evening?" I asked Riley hoping Marie would get the hint and leave
"I was meant to be having a Mini in for a one to one but she's out with the chicken pox" Riley replied placing her mug down on the table before leaning into my side
"Why don't you and Michelle come watch me and the boys rehearse since you have already heard one of the songs" I chuckled
"One of them? How many are there?" Riley asked
"Oh just you wait Ri" I said making her smile more
"What did you do" She said narrowing her eyes at me
"You'll see" I replied pecking her cheek
"I've gotta run, I have P's solo practice" Riley said pouting slightly
"That's alright, I'll walk you out" I replied getting up with her
"James when you come back, Mr T wants up to work on the playlist for A-Troupe" Marie said trying to overshine as per usual
"No need. I finished it last night and sent to him for his approval" I replied walking out with Riley
God I hope she learns to back off soon..

Riley's POV

"I know, I can't believe Nationals is so close" Miss Kate smiled as we sat in the office talking
"Do you remember when we were preparing for it? Oh god I was a mess" I laughed
"Oh and when you almost had to go on for Michelle" Miss Kate said reminding me of that travesty
"Elite got a way with some much crap behind the scenes" I replied remembering how annoying they really were
"Hey what about your duet with James" Miss Kate smirked. After James and I finished our duet and I told him I loved him which of course led to the kiss. The entire A-Troupe teased us non stop for months on end 
"Hey, we're adults now. More mature" I offered and Miss Kate playfully rolled her eyes
"You two are mature I'll give you that but your love with always be that young love" She smiled and I rolled my eyes

"How is Piper's Solo coming on?" I asked and I smiled
"she is incredible. I don't doubt for a second she'll win the Solo round" I replied and Miss Kate smiled too
"you know, she reminds me a lot of you" Miss Kate said, I agree. I see so much of myself in Piper but I didn't think anyone else did
"She's more cotemporary though. You likes merging styles to create your own" Miss Kate teased
"Piper's turns though, lord I would kill for those turns" I replied 
"oh me too" Miss Kate said laughing with me 
There was something about all of this I couldn't help but feel happy about. It made me feel like this was the place I was meant to be, this was the plan I was supposed to have me entire life. I just couldn't see it at first
"Do you and James want to come to nationals with us?" Miss Kate offered bringing me out of my daze
"huh?" I asked
"Do you and James want to come with us to Nationals. I think for starters Piper would benefit having you both there and then I also think that it would be nice for you two to get away for a little bit" She said winking at me
"I'll ask him when I see him later" I replied with another eye roll

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