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Riley's POV

"Riley!" I hear my sisters voice call, I turn to see her stood there in all her glory. I have missed her more then words can explain
She instantly ran over to me hugging me tightly
"God I've missed you" I cried only making her cry too
"I've missed you more! But what's going on, what happened with what's his name?" She asked. After Lucas and Emily met, she knew something was going on which is one of the main reason Lucas' made me cut ties with her
"I left him Emily" I said, she pulled out of the hug to look at my face
"please don't tell me he did.." she asked, i looked at her and I think with the look on my face she knew exactly what was going on
"It's okay Riley" she said hugging me again this time stroking my hair
"I'm so scared Em" I whispered and she just hugged me tighter
"It's okay, I've got you Riles. We've got this" She said

Riley_Ray: The Raymond Sisters are reunited after 2 very long years @EmRay

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Riley_Ray: The Raymond Sisters are reunited after 2 very long years @EmRay

Emily and I were looking around for places for me to rent this afternoon. We'd spent all morning talking about Lucas and she's agreed to help me no matter what happens
She knows every single last detail and as much as it pained me talking about it all.. I'm glad it was Emily who I got to tell first

Lucas: Tell that lovely sister of yours that I'll be coming for her too babe

My breath hitched as I read it and Emily of course noticed, she took my phone off of me looking at the text before she rolled her eyes
"I'd like to see the guy try" She replied, I sniggered a little. Maybe to hide how scared I was or maybe because it's funny that Emily still thinks she is indestructible
"But Em what if he does try something" I asked and she shook her head cupping my cheek
"He won't get a chance" she replied bopping my nose
"On a brighter note. I like this place" she said as we continued to walk through a flat close to the studio, close to Em and close to her work too
"I like it too" I replied. I had enough savings from the tour to last me a while but I will need to find a job to keep the money coming in 
"Then it's settle" She said rushing off to find the guy who was showing us around


It's crazy. Absolutely crazy. It's been a week since I came back and I some how have a flat to myself and things are finally looking up. I'm still job hunting though and it isn't going to well. Yes I got good grades in school and yes I did 3 years at the best dance school in the nation.. But that doesn't matter to day jobs apparently. I have no skills worth it
"Look what the cat dragged in" I hear a voice say, I turn to see John stood there with a guitar in hand. I smiled walking over to him
After placing the guitar down John hugged me
"It's been too long Riley" He chuckled
"tell me about it, how are you" I asked and he smiled
"I'm good actually and we have you to thank for that" He said, I looked at him confused
"What do you mean?" I asked
"If you and James had never had so much chemistry and passion. We never would have got our record deal or the tour. His songs about you were the ones that really sold for the band" He smiled. I couldn't help but smile too, I'm glad to hear other people liked the song James wrote me, I know they always made me feel incredible whenever he wrote one
"I'm so glad you boys are smashing it! Best believe I have every single one of your Albums" I smiled and It was true, every time I heard the boys got a new one I would go out and buy it in CD form since I have an old school car, CD and Radio is my main port of call
"That's great to hear Riley! I'm about to head to meet the guys in the recording Studio. Fancy tagging along? I bet Theo and Luke would love to see you" he offered, I chuckled lightly. I hadn't heard there names in so long
"I'd love to" I replied. Truth be told I came here in the hopes I would run into James anyway, here is my excuse

"Yooo Look who I found!" John practically yelled as we walked into the room causing all three boys to look up from their phones. James smiled as soon as he saw me while Theo and Luke looked a little taken back before engulfing me into hugs
"Hey guys" I replied hugging them both back
"guys, she needs to breathe" James reminded them making us all laugh
"Someone is just jealous he didn't get a Riley hug" Theo said poking his tongue out 
"I could have one if I wanted one" He replied
"Oh yeah?" I asked raising my eye brows. James walked over to give me a hug but I kept my arms crossed
"Riley" he warned, I looked at him keeping a straight face
"James" I replied
That's when he did it, he gave me that look. The one where it means he'll get his way, it's the one look I've never been able to say no to
"Screw you" I replied opening my arms causing him to do his victory laugh
"Ha!" James said pointing his drum sticks at Theo 
"What brings you here anyway?" Luke asked as I sat on the speaker with him
"I was in town job hunting so figured I could come and say hey" I replied
"Why are you job hunting?" James asked
"Because as well as that Tour paid me, that money will run out pretty soon with how much my place is costing me a month" I replied making him roll his eyes
"Why don't you just ask Miss Kate? I'm sure she would have something for her Do-It-Well-Girl or whatever" James replied
"Get-It-Done-Girl. Get it right" I replied earning laughter from the boys
"I hadn't thought about asking Miss Kate. I means I'd be using my college experience then I guess" I said making James smile
"Why don't you go talk to Miss Kate then come join us again?" Theo suggested, I shrugged before nodding
"Have fun boys" I replied making them all nod as I continued to leave 

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