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Riley's POV

"What is it you want Lucas" I asked as he threw me into the same bedroom he has for the last 3 days
"I've told you what I want Riley" he growled taking a step forward
"Now watch your tone and be a good little girl before someone gets hurt" He said raising his eyebrows at me before smashing his lips against me
As a sign of rebellion I bit his lip causing him to curse and throw me to the floor
"That wasn't behaving!" He yelled killing me twice in the stomach before leaving 

I should have fought harder, I should never have let him get me out of the flat. My parents raised me stronger then this 
Picking myself up off the floor I walked over to the window, this room used to look so differently
When I lived here, this was our guest room covered in a gorgeous yellow pattern through out but now, it's plain white, the windows are locked shut with bars on the outside. 
The main door to the room has a lock on it and of course Lucas took the key
He was smart in the fact that he knew how to keep his prey locked up

I walked over to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror
"You are okay Riley, you are going to get through this" I said to myself as another set of tears fell
I lifted up my shirt to see more bruises to add to the collection along side the now open wound left from the knife when he first brought me here
It would heal over slightly but then with another punch or kick he would open it all over again
It's bound to get infected shortly
This can't be it right? I'm going to get through this? I'm going to get out of here
"Please help me" I cried once more closing my eyes tightly taking a deep breath in 


James' POV

"I'm here if you need anything okay? Mr T has agreed to manage Lost & Found without you until you are ready to come back. Same with Riley. Don't let her come straight back to work when she comes home okay?" Miss Kate said while holding me close
She had come over to bring some food while Riley's parents and Emily were out somewhere
"I won't Miss Kate" I replied as we pulled away
Miss Kate looked at me and held both of my cheeks in her hand
"She'll be home I know it" She smiled through the tears, I smiled back at her
"We love you Miss Kate" I replied making her smile more
"I love both of you more then you'll ever know" She said hugging me again 

I haven't been able to touch any of the things I had laid out for Riley, it's all there like she is going to walk through the door any minute smiling her face off
But I know that isn't going to happen
If I hadn't kept this secret from her, she would have been at Lost & Found with me when this all went down
We would have come home together and found Lucas
And we all know I would have beaten that boy to a pulp before he even got the chance to touch Riley 

But no, that one mistake has changed everything
That one mistake is one of the biggest I've ever made. I don't want to think so negatively but what if that was the last time I see Riley?
I know it won't be, at least I tell myself that. Riley is one of the strongest girls I've ever met
That I've ever had the chance to love
And when she comes back, you can bet your ass I'm going to show her that

Time had passed a little and I was still alone when finally the doorbell went. I assumed it was Riley's family but when I opened the door it was certainly not them
"What do you want" I asked George as he stood on my door step
"I heard about Riley" He muttered, I glared at him before slamming the door in his face
His face was the last I needed to see right now

"Touché but James I can help" He said through the door
"How?" I asked still not opening the door
"I know where Lucas lives" He replied this time making me open the door
"The police already know that. They've been there, Lucas and Riley aren't there" I replied
"That's because the address that the Police have is his alias. I know where he is and where he probably has Riley" He said 
The rest I didn't care about but if this boy possible knows where this psycho has Riley
For the first time in my life, George might be useful

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