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The boys had just finished soundcheck and were due to go on any minute but I was still sat on the bus trying to find my other shoe
It was not going the way I had planned 
Today had been rough, it seems that morning sickness doesn't always only happen in the morning

"Gotcha!" I said picking up the other shoe before finally putting it on my feet
Now that I was finally ready, I opened the tour bus door only to come face to face with the last person I expected and quite honestly the last person I ever wanted to see

"What are you doing here Beth?" I asked looking her up and down
"Riley! Hey!" She sung making me narrow my eyes at her

"I came to see the boys perform" She smiled
"The boys or James?" i said underneath my breath
"They should know I was coming" She said twirling her hair around her finger making me instantly cringe

She always had the tendency to do that around James and it was one of my biggest gripes with her 
Besides the fact she's just an idiot
Like she's more ditzy then Theo, that says a lot 

"Well they'll be inside" I muttered walking forward only to be followed by the brunette, I rolled my eyes as we made our way through the venue until we got to the boys dressing room

The moment I opened the door, James looked over at me before clocking Beth and instantly dropping the smile
"what are you doing here?" John asked motioning to Beth
"I told you I was coming. Aren't we all going out after the show?" Beth asked as James walked over to me wrapping an arm around me 

"Not anymore, Riley and I have bigger things to be doing" James said placing a kiss on the top of my head

"What could you guys be planning" She asked making me roll my eyes
"Oh you know, A wedding? A child? Just those little things" I said with a snarky tinge to my tone earning chuckles from everyone else

"You two are having a child? And getting married?" Beth asked making James and I nod
"I thought you were in New York Riley?" Beth continued to question
"Yeah, I was. But that was only temporary" I said looking her up and down 

She bit her lip trying to avoid eye contact with me, that was probably her safest bet right now 

"We all knew that James and Riley would end up together, anyone who thought otherwise would have been an idiot" Theo said making me grin in his direction while he gave me a subtle wink making me laugh

"You are more then welcome to stay for the show Beth but after the show James and I will be a bit busy" I smirked making her clear her throat
"Yeah, I'll go find my seat" She said turning on her heels
"Good choice" I said glaring at her 

The moment she was out of the room, all 3 boys except James burst out laughing while James' scratched the back of his neck
"I had no idea she was still coming to the show" John said
"I have no idea she was coming to the show period" James said making me roll my eyes
"It's alright, she wasn't what I expected when I walked out of the bus but it could have been worse" I said making him look at me confused

"How, how could it have been worse?" He asked
"it could have been so many other people. But Beth, she's nothing more then a nuisance" I said making him chuckle
"I beat her once, hell I could do it again" I smirked making James raise a brow before pressing his lips against mine while the boys began to throw pillows at us 


 "you know, tours coming to an end very soon" James said as we laid in bed that night, I looked up at him before chuckling
It's been 5 weeks since I joined the boys and even then it had been two weeks into the tour when I joined them 
They have a week left and I don't think any of them are really ready to let this go

"I've been thinking" I said making James look at me curiously
"What's up?" He questioned as he began to stroke my hair
"Why do you have to give this up?" I asked making him look at me even more confused

"Riley, in case you've forgotten. You're pregnant" He laughed making me roll my eyes
"I know that, but that doesn't mean you need to give this up. James this has always been a big dream of yours" I reminded him making him sigh

"Riley, I'm not going to leave you and our baby at home" He warned me making me smile
"Hey, you think I'd let you have all the fun?" I asked nudging him 

"What if we take the year off, then when baby is at least a year old.. You guys can look into another tour. Imagine travelling with our child" I smiled
"Letting them see the world while also watching you succeed at your dream" I whispered making James smile down at me
"you're serious about this huh?" he asked

I bit my lip nodding
Serious doesn't even begin to describe it

"Let's do it" he chuckled before pressing his lips gently against mine 

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