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Michelle's POV

I was walking into Lost & Found a few days later. I wanted to talk to the boys about what went down at the Victory Party
As I walked I crossed paths with George, he smiled at me and I glared at him continuing to walk away. I don't know what he did but I know it wasn't good
"Hey hey!" I chimed walling over to the boys who were sat on the sofa's in the bullpen
"Hey Michelle" John smiled as I sat next to him
"What brings you around, Ri and James are still out of town" Theo explained
James decided to take Riley away from town for a little and I can't blame him. Truth be told they both need the break
"I was just wondering if anyone had any details on what happened?" I asked and all the boys looked around before looking back at me
"All we know is there is a story" Luke answered
"What's the story?" I asked
"We don't know. James wouldn't tell us, he said it wasn't his story to tell" John explained
"So it's about Riley then" I replied and the boys did a mixture of shrugging and nodding
"Do we have any details at all?" I asked and they all shook their head
"Well it's probably about George" Theo said making us look at him
Does this boy have an incessant need to point out the obvious?

Riley knows she could come to me about anything? Right? Then why is this such a secret
"Don't blame yourself" I hear John whisper making me look at him
"How did you know?" I asked and he smiled
"I've grown to know you pretty well" He nervously chuckled
"I don't know why she didn't think she could tell me" I muttered playing with my hands
"we all love Riley to pieces but we also all know she handles things in different ways then the rest of us. The fact she told James was a big enough step" He replied and I nodded. I hate to admit it but he is right 

Riley's POV

"Babe?" I hear James call as he walks out of the bedroom, it's precisely 4am and I couldn't sleep, so I was sat outside in front of the fire bit, just enjoying the cold air
"Yeah" I called alerting James of my whereabouts
"What are you doing out here?" He asked and I smiled at him as he joined me on the chair
James picked me up placing my back down on his lap
"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you up" I replied placing a kiss on his cheek making him smile more
"How long have you been up for?" He asked
"Since 2am" I chuckled knowing full well a long time had past
"What are you thinking about?" James asked and I nuzzled in closer to him, I smiled knowing that the only thing I had been thinking about since being out here was him

"Can I ask you something" I asked looking up at James, he hummed in response now locking his phone
We had been sat in a comfortable silence for some time now
"Now, if this is too soon. Then just tell me" I replied making James look at me slightly confused
"Babe what's going on" He asked intertwining our hands
"well I figured since you always stay over anyway.. would you want to I don't know.. move in with me?" I rambled, James smile grew as every single word left my mouth before crashing our lips together the second I had finished
"I would love to" He smiled placing our foreheads against each others
"Really?" I whispered and he frantically nodded
Now, things were finally starting to be perfect again

Eldon's POV

"Michelle, I'm sure it's nothing" I said trying to comfort the panicked Michelle on the phone. For the last week since the party she's been in full protective mode. She wants to know all the details and she wants to know them now
"Eldon, something is going on and I want to sort it before Riles comes home" Michelle said. I chuckled lightly
"You know, I remember when you and Riley would sneak off from James and I to talk about us and thought we didn't realise" I chuckled remembering back to our National days
"Hey Mister, don't change topic" Michelle growled taking another sip of her coffee
"Why don't we go and talk to George?" I offered, I mean if Riley won't tell us then maybe we can get a story out of him
"Would you do that?" Michelle asked
"Well I said we but um" I started before her eyes lit up
"Perfect thankyou Eldon! Call me when you've done it" She said jumping up hugging me and running off before I could even object
Well Um thanks Michelle..

I took a deep breath in and walked over to The Next Step to see George in Studio A saying goodbye to some parents who were picking up their kids from a class
As soon as all the kids had gone George settled his gaze on me
"Hey man" He smiled and I shook my head at him
"Listen, I think it's about time you were honest with all of us" I said sitting on the bench allowing us to have a real chat
"What do you mean?" He asked 
"don't play dumb George. It takes a lot to get James' riled up to the point he actually hits you" I answered
There is only 2 people I think James would ever hit for and that would be his family and Riley. No other exceptions
"I didn't do anything" He replied confidently
"Alright, so if I call up and ask James what he saw then he'll say he hit you for shits and giggles?" I asked raising my eyebrows
"Why didn't you ask him anyway" He growled at me
"I thought I would give you the benefit of the doubt first" I replied and George chuckle
"Well hey, who am I to turn that down" He said rolling his eyes getting up to walk away
"if you walk away right now with out fighting your corner then when the secret comes out, I'm not going to help try to minimise the aftermath" I yelled causing him to stop
"I don't know what you did, and for your sake I hope you didn't do anything with my return. That's the one thing about everyone in this building. We are all family. You fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us" I replied making George chuckle again
"Noted" He replied before finally walking out

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