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Riley's POV

Miss Kate told me I could use the studio's as and when I wanted to, I don't think she expected me to spend the entire day here
It's been surreal since being back. I haven't gone a day without a message from Lucas. Each one getting more and more scarier but I'm strong enough to do this.. I am aren't I?

This isn't just a dance, it's my dance, it's my story..
As I finish I place my head in my hands, I want to forget what he did but I can't. It's like his hold on me is still fighting strong and it's only a matter of days before I crack and go back to him
"Hey, that was amazing" I hear James say, I look over to see him stood in the doorway. How I didn't notice him, I don't know
"What are you doing here?" I asked in between breaths
"I work at Lost and Found now, I have for almost 2 years now" He replied and I raised my brows. James has never kept a job down in his life
"I know crazy right. Mr T gave it to me so I could still afford to be around, after college I wanted to move out. The Gig pays well so I can't complain, means I have more time to write with the boys along side working" He said trying to justify his job
"Why are you doing that" I asked earning a confused look
"you don't owe me an explanation James. It's great you are doing well for yourself" I replied earning a smile this time
"looks like you've done pretty well for yourself too" He said motioning to the dance I had just done
"Yeah something like that" I mumbled
"I saw you on tour, you were great" He said making me now look at him 
"You came to a show?" I asked and he confidently nodded
"How could I not Riley?" He asked. I won't lie.. I wish I had made it to his tour but with Lucas riding on me, there was no chance I could have swung that 
"Thanks" I replied and he nodded
"I know I hurt you Riley but I know you well enough to know something else is going on" he said making my breath hitch
"What is it?" he asked taking a step closer
"It's complicated" I replied and he chuckled
"You are talking to me Riley, we were the definition of Complicated at times" He said making me laugh a little. Thinking back on it, Beth was such a big problem back in the day but now? Now she is a distant memory
"I got myself in a situation and now I'm just trying to find a way out" I replied trying to give as little information as I can
"And that situation involved the guy you were dating?" He asked and I nodded. I don't know where James stands in his love life. I would love to hear him happy with someone else but at the same time it would just solidify that I wasn't good enough for anyone
"Well, I know you aren't ready to talk about the situation but whatever he did. I'm sorry" He said with nothing but a sincere tone, I offered him a small smile 
"Why is it that you always know what to say?" I asked making him chuckle
"It's a habit of mine" He said taking a seat on the bench with me this time 


"I heard Piper made A-Troupe" I said to James as we continued to talk in the studio
"By heard you mean it's all over her Instagram?" He asked and I chuckled but nodded
"She's happy, let her brag. Being in A-Troupe is the best thing to happen to us and now it's her turn" I reminded him
"hmmm very true, I think we owe a lot to this place" He continued and I nodded
"Oh for sure" I replied
"I've missed having you around Ri" James said with a smile on his face
"I've missed being around" I chuckled
"I mean it though, It's been strange without you all these years" He said fiddling with his hands
"I know, It's been hard not being able to speak to you guys" I replied
"you know you could have, we all would have loved to hear form you" He continued, I sighed knowing it wasn't that easy

Before either of us could reply someone came running into the Studio
"There you are James! Class was meant to begin 10 minutes ago" A blonde said, James looked at his phone to see the time before sighing
"Sorry, we must have lost track of time. Riley this is Marie, Marie this is Riley" James said introducing me to her, Marie looked at me with a smirk on her face
"It's lovely to meet you" i replied
"Yeah you too. I've heard incredible things about you" She chimed, I looked at James who had turned a sort of red colour
"in other news, I'll speak to you later Riley" James said practically pushing Marie out before she could say anything else
That boy is still as strange as he was 3 years ago. Glad to see that hasn't changed 

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