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James' POV

My plan, my plan was in motion and so far it was going without a worry! I had everything times perfectly, who knew that Riley's way of scheduling actually works. I've had some much spare time to work on this just by managing my time
"Okay James, the Florist said that she's dropped the flowers off at the door" Michelle said coming back in to The Next Steep
"Alright, I'll head up there in a little. Riley should be home in 3 hours. I've got plenty of time" I replied
Emily called me so I know for a fact that Riley had left hers. It was also the time I managed to finally tell Emily that I wasn't taking the offer
I didn't hang around for her wrath though, I hung up as soon as I got it out

"do you think this is going to work?" I asked the band as I looked down at everything in front of me
"Hell yeah, I think this is one of your best apologies to date" Theo smiled
"Let's hope it's the last one yeah?" John asked nudging me I chuckle and nodded
"It will be" I replied confidently

I got home, picking the flowers up and entering the flat. Everything I needed was here and it was just a matter of setting thing's up now
"And that goes there" I said putting the flowers in the perfect spot
"Where is the" I said looking around 
Before I could say anything else I got an alert to say that I had to go pick up the surprise, no wonder I couldn't find it
Before heading out, I made sure that everything was in place in case Riley came home before I did. I put the note on the door and I was on my way
Get ready for me to make you smile Ri.
Your cheeks are going to hurt like hell


Riley's POV

Why did I feel like walking out like that made me lose my sister?
Emily and I have only ever butted heads over dance or stupid things when we were little but this? This felt so different
This felt so real, like that would be the last time I spoke to Emily for sometime

"I just left Emily's Dad" I said as he called me as I drove back into the City
"How did that go baby?" He asked, he knew it went wrong otherwise he wouldn't have called
"She brought up stuff she shouldn't have. She pushed me too far Dad" I replied hitting the steering wheel as I drove
"I hate when my girls fight" He sighed and I joined him
"So do I, I tried Dad I really did but she knew what she was saying" I answered 
"I know Riley, you've never been one for confrontation" Dad said 
"What are you going to do now?" He asked
"Well, I'm driving home to speak to James" I replied and I feel like I could hear him smile
"Go get your man Riri" Dad said making me chuckle
He had the nickname for me since mum decided to name me Riley and I love it
"I'll try" I chuckled as I pulled into the apartment carpark
"I'm home now dad, I'll call you tomorrow!" I said parking up
"Okay Riley, Love you" He replied
"Love you too" I said before hanging up the call 

It feels like a fair amount of time has passed since I was last here, but in reality it's only been 48 hours since the fight.
One thing I will always appreciate about James is he knows when to give me my space. I don't even half to tell him sometimes.

I started walking up the stairs before I finally get to our door to see a note attached to the door, something tell me, James has planned something 

'Hey Ri,
I'm glad to see that you are home again, I know I've messed up royally. You've been there by my side, thick and thin and it's about time I do the same for you too! 
Come inside, enjoy your surprise 
-James x'

I smiled to myself before finally opening the door to see the kitchen and dinning room covered in photo's through the years, there were red roses dotted everywhere and our dinner set up in the most beautiful way
Walking deeper inside I put everything down and couldn't help but smile
Looking at all of these memories, every single damn one of them just proves that no matter what happens. James is my person

"Now isn't this cute"  A voice said behind me making my smile instantly drop
I slowly turned in the hope my ears were deceiving me
"Lucas.." I muttered 
"Hey Riley, Miss me?" He smirked 

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