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James' POV 

"We've got her" Was all an Officer had to say to grab my entire attention
Both I and Riley's Parents quickly rose to our feet rushing over to him, He had an indescribable smile on his face. One I never thought I would see
"She's being taken New York Presbyterian. This officer will take you three there now" He smiled patting his partner on the shoulder

It's been over a week since I saw Riley and as soon as I set sight on her now
I'm not going to let go
The drive to the hospital wasn't too long, it was full of a comfortable silence amongst the shared smiles all of us shared
"She's okay" I hear John say, I briefly glance at him to see a tear threatening to fall from his cheek
Before I could say anything else, Paula took both Mine and Johns hands into hers
This has been the hardest week of our lives but I'm glad that I had their support through the entire thing. It's truly mended any relationship problems I had with Riley's dad for hurting her so much
If I could experience this without Riley being hurt, I would have loved and enjoyed it a hell of a lot more

"Riley Raymond" John said as soon as we walked into the Emergency Department
The nurse flicked through some paper work before finally finding Riley's notes
"Alright she's in room 804 however, the doctors are in there running some tests and she won't be allowed any visitors until that's done" She said making my heart sink
"That poor girl has been through the ringer" She muttered to myself and that is when I knew I couldn't stand around waiting

My feet soon took flight in the search for room 804. After what felt like forever, there she was
Covered in wired, eyes closed, skin paler then normal with what felt like a hundred doctors surrounding her
"Riley" I called alerting one of the younger doctors
"Sir you can't be here right now" She said and I shook my head breaking down 
Before I knew it I was on my knees with tears streaming down my face
"James" I hear John call but it doesn't matter, I stayed in my position. Crying my heart out while Riley was still fighting a war alone
"We'll be able to give you some answers soon, I promise" The doctor said as I felt someone's arm cover me

"come on James" John said helping me to my feet, I wiped the tears that fell as I managed to rise to a seat just in front of Riley's room
"Look she's right there she's okay" John said looking into his daughters room
But she's not okay. We have no idea what's going on
We have no idea of the extent of the situation
We have no clue at all


It's been hours, but it feels like a lifetime. None of the doctors have left her room except for a couple who would return with a different machine. Watching Riley go through all of this and not be able to be there to hold her hand is fucking killing me
She should never have been in this situation, I should have fucking been home
"James, it's your sister" Paula said handing me my phone
Piper had been calling for some time but I refused to answer

"Pipes not now" I said about to hang up
"James trust me you need this right now" She said making me bring the phone back to my ear
"Stop blaming yourself, your stupid mistake is not the reason that Riley is going through this. Nobody knew the extent that Lucas would go to" She said making me break down once more

"Piper if you could see her right now" I cried before hearing Piper's voice break a little
"James, I know you're stuck in your head right now but we both know if Riley knew you were blaming yourself she would be slapping you silly" She said making both of us chuckle ever so slightly
"Do you know what I always remember when it comes to your two" she asked and I hummed in response
"Remember when Riley was studio head. She had that obsession with Jelly Beans" She said making me smile
"And when she was stressed she would eat them like it was going out of fashion" She continued 
"Yeah haha, I remember I told her to step away from the one time and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets" I said smiling to myself
"Her reply was she was in" I started before Piper joined in
"Full Bean Mode" We both continued

"That's what you need to keep in your mind James, something positive. Something that reminds you of Riley and all her quirks" Piper continued
"I love you Pipes" I replied smiling before hearing her smile
"I love you too James. Now start answering your damn phone when I call" she said making me nod to myself

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