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Riley's POV

"Nationals baby!" James said throwing me over his shoulder and spinning around. Just like he has when he found out about Miami
"James calm down. We aren't even the ones competing" I laughed hitting his back until he put me down
"no very true but it's the exact same place we went to! How perfect is that" He chimed. This boy was excited that was for sure. I was too, three days away from this place would do us all some good
"come on you muppet" I said taking his hand as we walked into Studio A with our suitcases
"Finally!" Piper yelled coming over to join us with Finn and Amy
"Blame your brother" I replied rolling my eyes
"hey" James pouted, I chuckled gently leaning up to place a kiss on his pouted lips
"Right, James and Riley. Are you coming on the bus with us? Or do you guys want to drive?" Miss Kate asked handing me our tickets
"We can drive" James smiled
The one thing James hated about the competitions were the long Coach journeys. He was more of I want to be the one driving type of person
"Alright we will see you in 3 hours!" Miss Kate smiled
We all wished A-Troupe good luck even though we would be seeing them again before the competition

Half way there, we were making great time. The whole journey has been amazing, James' hand laying happily on my thigh intertwined with mine while he gave it an occasional squeeze 
"Where are you going?" I asked as we took an early exit
"Trust me Ri" James chuckled kissing out intertwined hands
I rolled my eyes looking out at the window as the concrete road slowly turned in an off road covered in trees
As we drove deeper into this wooded area, it started to rain a little but to my surprise it only made James smile more
Maybe 10 minutes later we finally pulled over, I looked at James just as confused as the first time he pulled into this road
"I've always dreamed of doing this with you on the way to a competition" James said turning to look at me
"Do what?" I asked and James smiled again turning his head lights onto full beam and turning the music up so loud it was evident you could hear it outside
"Come on" James said getting out of the car
"you're insane James, it's raining" I yelled after him but instead James laughed sliding over the bonnet of his car coming to my door and opening it
"we're going to get soaking wet" I said rebelling, James shook his head with his childlike grin covering his face
"come on Riii" He said taking both of my hands and guiding me out into the rain
I laughed as James started to twirl me in the rain, the music sounded to clear due to the volume and the headlights gave us enough light in the woodlands to still be able to see each other
"I've always wanted to do this" James said dipping me up as we continued to dance in the rain
"When did you become such a hopeless romantic" I chuckled as he brought me back up

Wrapping one arm around his neck and the other intertwined with his we continued to dance allowing many songs to pass, we were soaked through top to bottom but I don't think either of us cared at this point. 
This was one of our perfect moment, ones that no matter how much we go through. These will be the moments we remember
"I love you Ri" James said making me look at him
"I love you James" I replied before pressing out lips together once more
This will never get old. James always has a trick up his sleeve


"You guys are soaking wet" Miss Kate laughed as we walked into the Hotel to meet everyone, even though we had been driving for another hour we somehow hadn't dried off like James told me we would have
"Yeah. We made a little pit stop" James said smiling down at me, I smiled back at him as I gave his hand another squeeze
"You two are just as sweet as you were when you were them" Miss Kate said motioning to the team all dotted around the lobby
"Dare I even ask" Pipe said coming over to James and I, I shook my head and James looked at his sister with a devilish look
"Awhh does Piper was a hug from her big brother" James asked letting go of my hand to open his arms up to his sister 
Piper took one look at him and frantically shook her head as she began to run through the lobby to avoid any contact with James
I laughed at the two as did Kate
"They remind me off a young version of you and Emily" Miss Kate smiled. I never thought of it that way, but yeah as much as Emily is all serious. She used to be pretty laid back like James until Dance Captain got to her head 

James' POV

"Come on Pipes! I just want a hug!" I teased as we continued to run around
"Then go hug Riley, she's already cold and wet" Piper continued trying to sneak past me
"got ya!" I yelled finally catching her giving her a tight squeeze causing her to squeal
"you're a dick" Piper said worming her way out of my grip
Feeling accomplished, Piper and I made our way back over to everyone. 
This place hadn't changed one bit. I can still remember Hunter, West, Eldon and I walking this Lobby completely lost until Michelle and Riley managed to track us down
This place is huge, don't judge us
"finished terrorising your sister?" Miss Kate said patting my shoulder, I chuckled at her
"Yeah" I replied taking my place back next to Riley
"Remember how nervous you two were here?" Miss Kate asked
"Pfft, I don't do nervous" I shrugged off. Riley on the other hand
"I was a basket case" Riley laughed
"Remember when you almost had to go on for Michelle because of Elite?" I asked and she widened her eyes
"Right, Solo day. Pipe stays by one of us the entire day" Miss Kate said pointing between the three of us making us all laugh
It's crazy being back here with a completely different team. They have some big shoes to fill that is for sure 

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