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Riley's POV

It's been a long road, a very long windy road but here we are. Two weeks later about to walk back into work
I've had to persuade James a lot more than I thought I would have needed to, he's persistent when he wants to be, I'll give him that but I knew I wanted to return to normality and I knew that as much as James would never admit it, he missed Work, he missed the Band he missed it all 
"Ri, I don't know about this" James asked as we stood at the double doors that separated The Next Step and Lost & Found
"Hey" I said placing my hand on his cheek
"I'm only across the corridor, whenever you have a free minute we both know you'll be in Riley's Corner and vise versa" I replied stroking his cheek as he closed his eyes
"But what if something happens?" He whispered placing our foreheads against each other
"what could happen? Miss Kate is going to be over the top protective and I bet everyone else would be smothering me too" I chuckled making him smile
"And you promise to call me if you have any problems?" He asked now looking at me with his big brown eyes
"I promise" I replied leaning forward placing a gentle kiss on his lips
"I love you" He said before kissing me again
"I love you" I replied making him smile 

I walked into Studio A to see Miss Kate wasn't here yet but to my surprise, George was in there working on some Choreography
As I watched him I couldn't help but think back to what James had told me. George was one of the people who helped find me, they would never have found Lucas' real address without hime
"Hey, your back" He said after finally noticing 
"Yeah, where is Miss Kate?" I asked 
"She's away at a competition this weekend" He said and I nodded
"What's that your working on? Looked pretty good" I smiled and he smiled back
"Just something for a teen workshop next week" He replied sipping his water
"George" I said making him stand up looking at me

"Thankyou" I replied making me look at him confused
"For what?" he asked as if he didn't already know
"Thank you for helping the police, I dare not think about where I would be if it wasn't for your tip off" I replied and he smiled looking down
"You didn't deserve any of the shit he ever did to your Riley. I'm a dick I know but I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy" he answered and I nodded
"How about a fresh start?" he offered holding out his hand
"I'd like that" I replied shaking his hand
I don't know what is in hold for the future with George here at The Next Step but it'll be a little easier knowing that I could be a friend to him.


James' POV

"So Riley's back at work then?" Luke said walking into the green room with the boys
"Don't remind me" I said checking my phone for the 15th time this morning. I was on edge and can you blame me? Last time I let Riley out of my sight, she got fucking kidnapped
"You can't shelter her forever man, that would just lead to arguments between the pair of you. Plus you both need some normality" John added tapping my shoulder as he went to make his coffee
"I know, I know. I just don't want anything to happen" I replied and the boys nodded
"We get it man, we do" Theo said shooting a smile
"How is she doing this morning anyway" Luke asked, I looked at me phone once more
"She is good and you are all worrying about nothing" Riley said walking into the green room

"Riley!" Theo cheered going over to hug her, followed by Luke and John
"I wouldn't say we are worrying about nothing though" John said as they pulled away
"I would" Riley said coming over at sitting next to me, I placed a small kiss on her cheek making the boys smile wide
"How was your morning?" I asked
"It was alright, Miss Kate is away for a competition so it's just George and I" She replied earning my full attention
"How is that?" I asked and she offered me a smile
"It's alright actually, we've agreed to have a fresh start" She said making me smile at her
Maybe I was worrying about nothing
I know that George helped us find Riley, I should have known that he would also be there to keep an eye on her when she got back
Maybe I should cut the boy some slack

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