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"So what now? Are we meant to just sit around?" I asked annoyed. It had been a whole 24 hours since Riley was spotted at the station
"Sir, I promise we have everyone we can out looking for Riley" An officer said but I didn't believe it
I groaned walking back over to the sofa where Riley's parents sat with Emily
"It'll be okay son" John, Riley's dad said
"The last time I spoke to her, I didn't think this would be how would end" Emily cried. It's become recent news that the ending to Riley and Emily's exchange wasn't a good one but I think at the end of this. It'll be nothing but water under the bridge
"I feel like there is something else I should be doing!" I groaned placing my head in my hands, Paula, Riley's mum came over wrapping her arm around me in a warm hug
"You're doing everything you possibly can James. It's up to the police now" She explained, I looked over at her
Her heart was breaking just as much as the rest of ours. But Riley's always told me no matter what happens, it would be her mum who was the strongest no matter the storm
And Ri, You're right. She's a rock 

I continued to pace back and forth before heading to the bedroom for a moment alone
All I had to do was remember to pick up the stupid thing earlier, I could have been home when Lucas broke it
I could have stopped all of this happening
And now?
Now Lucas has her god knows where doing god knows what
"I can't believe I let this happen" I groaned to myself hitting the pillow next to me
I glanced over at the night stand seeing the photo Riley had on her bedside

Aunt Cath's wedding, oh that was a day

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Aunt Cath's wedding, oh that was a day. We were preparing for Internationals and Riley and I were at our strongest in my opinion
"This isn't your fault you know" A voice said, I looked up to see John stood there. He came and took a seat next to me on Riley's side of the bed
"you know she loves you more then I think anyone thought was possible" He said smiling at the photo
"I love her too" I replied grazing my thumb against the glass
"I remember the night we met you, Riley came home from dance so anxious about our opinion but you smashed it James" he chuckled, I joined him with a small laugh
"I remember her telling me exactly what to wear, what not to talk about the whole lot" I replied smiling
"That was the night that I knew you and Riley were meant to be together" He said placing his hand on my shoulder
"what do you mean" I asked

"I watched my little girl light up the minute you entered the room, I watched how no matter what you said. It brought a smile onto her face. She loved you long before I think either of your realised" He said with a smile
"You hurt her a tone but it never shorted the love you both share and I think getting through the hard times together, like you both have. That's what is important" He replied this time making me smile
"I don't think you know what that means for me to hear you say that" I replied and he chuckled
"you're not the same 16 year old I once knew James but I couldn't have been prouder watching you grew. You've turned into the son I never got and I couldn't be more thankful" He finished opening his hands offering me a hug
"She'll be okay, I know it" He replied into the hug
"I really hope so" I whispered hugging him back 

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