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James' POV

I walked into Lost & Found a week later and none the wiser. I'd had texts, phone calls and emails from Emily but I'm yet to respond to her or even tell Riley
"Hey James! Someone dropped this off for you" Mr T called as I walked past his office, I sighed going inside for him to hand me an envelope
As soon as I saw the envelope I knew it was from Emily
"That looks important" Mr T replied and I sighed shrugging
"Don't even worry about it" I replied offering him a smile as I walked out of the office

 Walking around Lost & Found, I can't help but think about what would happen if I did decide to leave this place, would I lose everything I'd built? Or would it be waiting for me when I got back? I don't have a clue and I think that is what scares me the most if I'm honest..
"Hey" Her sweet voice rung, I turned to see Riley walking over. She smiled as she got close enough to cup my cheek kissing me 
"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you had classes all morning?" I asked her, I didn't start until 11 but I was certain Riley was busy all morning
"Yeah I did but I knew you started now so I cleared some time" She sweetly smile
"What's that?" Riley asked looking at the white envelope in front of me
"oh that? It's just some paperwork Mr T needs me to finish" I lied
Not telling her is one thing James, but lying is a whole other issue....

"Come watch the mini's" I smiled to Riley as we finished making a coffee. Our mini's were the younger kids we have in for lessons, once a week they have what we call a 'Jam Off' where they get to showcase anything new they've learnt or anything they are working
"sure" She said intertwining our hands as we walked into the Rose Room
Seeing all that I've helped make possible over the last few years just solidifies that I can't take Emily's offer. It wouldn't be right or fair
This is my home, this is the place I help build. I'm not ever going to give that up


Riley's POV

I got home that night to see James still not home, that was uncommon. Sometimes he'll be out late practicing with the boys
It's never an issue for me, neither is it when I'm working late with classes running over
Slowly but surely it's become the new normal
"Bill, Bill, Letter, Bill, Bill wait, hold up" I muttered going back to see a handwritten letter addressed to James
It was strange, it has to be someone pretty close considering they know this address and not that many people know he now lives with me. It's been more of a only the relevant people know
I shrugged it off putting it to one side while I continued looking through mail

"Hey babe" I hear James call only seconds before he realises I am right next to the door in the kitchen
"You've got a letter" I said handing it to him. He took one look at it before putting it back on the side
"Everything okay?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the letter
"Yeah of course" He replied kissing my cheek before heading into the bedroom
I picked the letter up again looking it over. Something about the handwriting seems familiar but I can't piece together where I had seen it before

I walked into the bedroom a short while later to see James coming out of the bathroom in nothing but his underwear
"Are you sure nothing's going on James?" I asked, he took one look at me and smiled pulling me into a tight hug kissing the top of my head
"Of course everything is okay Ri, I have you, I have the band, I have Lost and Found. What more could I want" He replied sweetly
"What is going on" I replied, I know from that one sentence that something is going on
"nothing babe" He chuckled walking over to the wardrobe to put on some clothes
I looked at him again, this wasn't a feeling that I was able to easily shake.

Biting the inside of my cheek I walked back out of the bedroom heading to the kitchen where that letter continued to mock me
I don't what it is about this situation but I can't help but begin to feel anxious about it all. It's almost as if James is hiding something. Something he doesn't want me to know, I thought were passed the secrets. I thought we were at the stage where we could tell each other everything and anything.. Is this all in my head and I'm overthinking literally nothing? Or is this something I should be worried about 

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